How can I counter?


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I don’t know the context of this but maybe don’t even engage with these types of conversation?
I can try..? but how can I just move on and let somalis be disrespected. I dont have the dulqaad of @Jiron lol. Im telling you, just look into ethiopia somalia things on youtube. Thats where you will find the most authentic comments. Youtube is very strict and kinda random on what comments they delete, its got a lot worse but still useable. But anyways, the context is video about ethiopias access to djibouti and somali ports and I was interacting with a stupid commentor
I can try..? but how can I just move on and let somalis be disrespected. I dont have the dulqaad of @Jiron lol. Im telling you, just look into ethiopia somalia things on youtube. Thats where you will find the most authentic comments. Youtube is very strict and kinda random on what comments they delete, its got a lot worse but still useable. But anyways, the context is video about ethiopias access to djibouti and somali ports and I was interacting with a stupid commentor
Working on emotional regulation. You can learn to not value their words. They post inflammatory comments to trigger people.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
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I'm Djiboutian so I just compare our gdp per capita.

I lived in Djibouti and I've met many Ethiopians who came here as refugees. A good % come just to work and earn enough money to cross into Yemen and into Saudi to work some low job.

These ethiopians need to save themselves. How many millions of ethiopians will die before they realise their country is useless and will never succeed. Post Halie salassie every ethnic has become it's own distinct bloc. Even in the new Ethiopian constitution they say Ethiopia is a nation made up of many nations. It is not sustainable.

These people have never seen a single year of "glory" or prosperity since Emperor Amde Seyon. Ethiopia was never meant to go past thr mountains. Every time Ethiopia expanded outside the Habash, it has always weakened and retracted back to its natural borders. The same will happen again. And "Ethiopia" will retract back to Abyssinia.

Meanwhile Somalis have not this issue. Somalis are a nation that struggles to found a single state post Siad Barre. We were close in 2006 with the ICU. But the American Crusade "war on terror" set it's sights upon Mogadishu and destoryed the government. Throwing Somalis back at ground 0. However no matter how many times we're set back, the Somali nation is literally encoded into our language and ethnicity. It's the foundation. It can't die. There'll always be a peninsula made up of Somali people, and as long as that is the case, There'll always be a land that is "Somalia" that was true even in the one moment in history where Somali were completely dominated after the death of thr Sayyid and end of his dervish Emirate in 1922. Where the Crusaders and the Ethiopian allies won the peninsula.

Even when Harar fell to Menelik, there was Sultans as far as Majerteenia planned a reconquest of the city from these crusaders. You can't kill the Somali nation.

