How can the Somalis that hang In coffee shops day in day out

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
They have all the time in the world to sit in coffe shops talk But they dont have any time to spend with their kids those same kids later gonna hang outside cornershops and eventually end up with the wrong crowd

Surely theres better things to do go with your kids to the cinema,sports make sure they are studying hell even community work is all possible scenarios to do

After all isnt it up to parents to provide a proper lifestyle for their children and keep their children out of trouble?
They have all the time in the world to sit in coffe shops talk But they dont have any time to spend with their kids those same kids later gonna hang outside cornershops and eventually end up with the wrong crowd

Surely theres better things to do go with your kids to the cinema,sports make sure they are studying hell even community work is all possible scenarios to do

After all isnt it up to parents to provide a proper lifestyle for their children and keep their children out of trouble?
They only go home for food and making love :salute:


They're losers. Time-wasters. Rejects. Seriously, how do u loiter and talk all day? You have nothing going for u in life? Unless you're retired or disabled.. :susp::susp::susp:
Somalis would do better as a people if we adopted the work ethic of our Ethiopian neighbors, at the very minimum. Most of the dysfunctional behavior you see in our community comes from the Somali older men who talk all day without spending enough time either at work or with their kids.
I had the same negative views about them but came to realize the social good aspect to sitting with your ethnic group and discuss matters of importance. If they meet once or twice a week for a chat and catch up on life would be ideal.

I traveled extensively to many countries and people chatting over coffee and lunch is the norm. Overdoing it with loud conversations that irritate others is the problem. Or being there everyday as if to signal you have nothing else in life going on for you is a bit negative.
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