How come Shia countries are more based than Sunni countries?

This is not even a debate. Iran and Yemen (Shia faction) are single handily the pillars of a self respecting Muslim nation. You see how Iran and Yemen are the only ones who always step up when it comes to defending Muslims meanwhile Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt etc are nothing but cucks to Western imperialism.
This is not even a debate. Iran and Yemen (Shia faction) are single handily the pillars of a self respecting Muslim nation. You see how Iran and Yemen are the only ones who always step up when it comes to defending Muslims meanwhile Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt etc are nothing but cucks to Western imperialism.
Iran is a shithole with the most tranny surgeries outside the west. Their holy cities like atom are a hub of Prositution. They spend their time killing Sunnis in Iraq and Syria while shitting their pants whenever it comes to Israel. Tell me one thing that Iran has done for Muslims other than the slaughter of Sunnis. Iran has never and will never stand up for Muslims
Iran is a shithole with the most tranny surgeries outside the west. Their holy cities like atom are a hub of Prositution. They spend their time killing Sunnis in Iraq and Syria while shitting their pants whenever it comes to Israel. Tell me one thing that Iran has done for Muslims other than the slaughter of Sunnis. Iran has never and will never stand up for Muslims

Meanwhile Saudi Arabia has killed thousands of Muslims, uses Hajj funds to fund new night clubs in the country, UAE allowing Israel to transport weapons to kill Gazans & the countless american bases they harbour between them for them to launch offenses from Somalia to Iran despite America murdering millions of muslims in the Middle East.

The actions of Sunni Muslim countries have enabled Somalis (Our Pirates aka coastguards) to be captured and killed.

Absetloute r*trard.
Meanwhile Saudi Arabia has killed thousands of Muslims, uses Hajj funds to fund new night clubs in the country, UAE allowing Israel to transport weapons to kill Gazans & the countless american bases they harbour between them for them to launch offenses from Somalia to Iran despite America murdering millions of muslims in the Middle East.

The actions of Sunni Muslim countries have enabled Somalis (Our Pirates aka coastguards) to be captured and killed.

Absetloute r*trard.
Iran literally has legalized transgender surgeries for the past 25 years. Yes, Saudi is degenerate but it doesn’t even compare to Iran when it comes to degeneracy. Iran carries out more gender change operations than any other country in the world besides Thailand. In their holy city of Qom which is where the Shi’a scholars are trained is a prostitution hotspot where young students engage in wanton prostitution.
Funny You mention our pirates when Iranians are the ones dumping illegal waste into our seas and illegally fishing who caused the pirates in the first place.
Iran itself has killed far more Muslims than America. Dogs like Soleimani where butchering raping the innocent Muslims of Iraq and Syria meanwhile the Sunni Minorities in Iran such as the Balochs and Kurds are massacred daily by the Neo majoosi Iranian regime
UAE allowing Israel to transport weapons to kill Gazans & the countless american bases they harbour between them for them to launch offenses from Somalia to Iran despite America murdering millions of muslims in the Middle East.
Iran literally helped America in their invasion of Afghanistan you re+ard
Iran literally has legalized transgender surgeries for the past 25 years. Yes, Saudi is degenerate but it doesn’t even compare to Iran when it comes to degeneracy. Iran carries out more gender change operations than any other country in the world besides Thailand. In their holy city of Qom which is where the Shi’a scholars are trained is a prostitution hotspot where young students engage in wanton prostitution.
Funny You mention our pirates when Iranians are the ones dumping illegal waste into our seas and illegally fishing who caused the pirates in the first place.
Iran itself has killed far more Muslims than America. Dogs like Soleimani where butchering raping the innocent Muslims of Iraq and Syria meanwhile the Sunni Minorities in Iran such as the Balochs and Kurds are massacred daily by the Neo majoosi Iranian regime

All you did was talk about fish being stolen which is regenerative and temporary once we have our navy meanwhile we have Somalis that have gotten killed & abused in American prisons as we speak and the funding of Al Shabaab which gulf countries are apart of. Care to list that too?

There are more prostitutes in one Dubai strip alone than the entire Iran put together yet you talk about it like it is a trophy, how about that?

UAE allowing Israel to transport weapons to kill Gazans & the countless american bases they harbour between them for them to launch offenses from Somalia to Iran despite America murdering millions of muslims in the Middle East.
Why did Israel support Shia Iran and not Sunni Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War? Iran was literally supported by Israel against a Sunni nation

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
This is not even a debate. Iran and Yemen (Shia faction) are single handily the pillars of a self respecting Muslim nation. You see how Iran and Yemen are the only ones who always step up when it comes to defending Muslims meanwhile Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt etc are nothing but cucks to Western imperialism.
Sunnis are cucked to oblivion they can't do shit besides obeying their masters and taking orders to not even threaten İsrael
All you did was talk about fish being stolen which is regenerative and temporary once we have our navy meanwhile we have Somalis that have gotten killed & abused in American prisons as we speak and the funding of Al Shabaab which gulf countries are apart of. Care to list that too?

There are more prostitutes in one Dubai strip alone than the entire Iran put together yet you talk about it like it is a trophy, how about that?

Everyone knows Saudi and the UAE are Degenerate immoral hellholes and western pseudo colonies. My problem is you glorifying Iran when it has the most sex changes operation in the world outside of Thailand.
Btw Iran has 250,000 Prostitutes with a total population of 80 million (For comparison America has around 1 million prostitutes with a total population of 330 million)

The illegal fishing is the reason why the pirates come in the first place you, re+ard. Why are you supporting a nation who has done Nothing but harm Somalis

Funny how you don’t mention the massacre of Sunnis by Iran after I showed you. You’re a hypocrite.
You pulled out decades old document in an attempt to score points in a modern day argument?

A LOT of things have changed since then & it sounds like you hate that.
Nothing has changed the same regime that was in power then is in power now. Khomeini’s nephew is now the leader of Iran
لقد شرّعت إيران حرفيًا العمليات الجراحية للمتحولين جنسياً على مدار الـ 25 عامًا الماضية. نعم، السعودية منحطّة لكنها لا تقارن حتى بإيران عندما يتعلق الأمر بالانحطاط. تنفذ إيران عمليات تغيير جنسانية أكثر من أي دولة أخرى في العالم إلى جانب تايلاند. وفي مدينتهم المقدسة، قم، حيث يتم تدريب علماء الشيعة، تعتبر نقطة ساخنة للدعارة حيث ينخرط الطلاب الشباب في الدعارة الوحشية.
من المضحك أنك ذكرت قراصنةنا في حين أن الإيرانيين هم الذين يلقون النفايات غير القانونية في بحارنا ويصطادون بشكل غير قانوني، وهم الذين تسببوا في القراصنة في المقام الأول.
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لقد قتلت إيران نفسها من المسلمين أكثر بكثير من أمريكا. كلاب مثل سليماني حيث يذبح يغتصب المسلمين الأبرياء في العراق وسوريا وفي الوقت نفسه يتم ذبح الأقليات السنية في إيران مثل البلوش والأكراد يوميًا على يد النظام الإيراني المجوسي الجديد.
وتعتبر المملكة العربية السعودية من أكبر الدول المانحة للمساعدات في الدول الإسلامية. وقد دعمت 95 دولة في مجالات الصحة والتعليم وغيرها من المشاريع بقيمة 6 مليارات دولار. ومن المضحك مقارنتها بإيران التي تعاونت مع إسرائيل لتدمير العراق. وكانت إيران تقدم معلومات عن مفاعل تموز/يوليو النووي، وكانت إسرائيل تزود إيران بمعلومات عن مواقع عسكرية في غرب العراق. بل بلغت صادرات الاسلحة من اسرائيل لايران 2 مليار دولار. ولم تفعل إيران شيئا سوى جلب الفصائل الشيعية المسلحة إلى الدول الإسلامية وجعلها مصدرا لزواج المتعة هناك

وهذه أيضًا المقابلة مع وزير الخارجية جاك سترو. اتبع الدقيقة 29:19 إلى 38:40. وهو باللغة العربية وطويل، ولكن هناك بعض المعلومات الهامة. وكانت إسرائيل المزود "الغربي" الوحيد للأسلحة لإيران في الثمانينيات

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered one of the largest aid donors in Islamic countries. It has supported 95 countries in the fields of health, education and other projects worth $6 billion. It is funny to compare it to Iran, which cooperated with Israel to destroy Iraq. Iran was providing information about the July nuclear reactor, and Israel was providing Iran with information about military sites in western Iraq. Indeed, cooperation between the two parties amounts to $2 billion. Iran did nothing but bring armed Shiite factions to Islamic countries and make them a source of temporary marriage there
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This is also the interview with State Department Secretary Jack Straw. Follow minute 29:19 to 38:40. It is in Arabic and long, but there is some important information. Israel was the only “Western” supplier of weapons to Iran in the 1980s

I already mentioned this I hate Iran did you read the post?

