How did the First Somali president view Somalia's downfall


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Randomly stumbled upon the wiki of Aden Abdulle the first somali president and found out he died in Kenya 2007. Makes me wonder how he saw the collapse of the Somali state he was one of the founders of.
Aden Abdulle Osman Daar.jpg


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Somali Youth League was sponsored by the CIA to be friendly with the West from declassified documents I've read, things just went south real quick after the takeover by Siad Barre even though he did a lot of good what happened after was a disaster for us.

Aden Adde lived to be 98 years old, in another timeline, I could see us being like a positive version of South Korea without the negative birthrate if only the British didn't divide us, same could be said about the Portuguese helping the Ethiopians in the 16th century, I can see the next Assassin creed following the storyline of crusaders helping Ethiopia lo.
He made that up no one raided his farm. people just believe anything on here

Frustrated Headache GIF by Kelly Clarkson

They might as well have, because USC disrespected all the SYL politicians who paved the way for a brighter Somalia. Instead of starting a new government, hell, even a dictatorship, they chimped out and went on a crime orgy. Even if they only terrorised other Somalis, and helped their own people, it would have been something, instead Hawiye ran out of the country like all other Somalis. For shame!

Absolute disgusting beasts and there are only a few HAGs who are smart and brave enough to tell the truth about USC halfwits.
I am not making it up I remember reading about it in a biography about him, its not that absurd claim, this was the early 1990s when the country was in total anarchy, for God's General Aided himself was gunned down by his own bodyguards let alone some old x president living in a remote countryside farm
I am not making it up I remember reading about it in a biography about him, its not that absurd claim, this was the early 1990s when the country was in total anarchy, for God's General Aided himself was gunned down by his own bodyguards let alone some old x president living in a remote countryside farm

The main issue with USC/ HAG, has always been, that they destroy everything, including themselves. If they were only chaotic to others and managed their own lands well, it would have been something, but no, that's not possible for them.
Randomly stumbled upon the wiki of Aden Abdulle the first somali president and found out he died in Kenya 2007. Makes me wonder how he saw the collapse of the Somali state he was one of the founders of. View attachment 295009

Addan Cadde sent the 1990 manifesto to Siad Barre when things were going south

To: General Mohamed Siyaad Barre
President of the Somali Democratic Republic

Subject: Recommendation Aimed at Bringing About National Reconciliation and

We, the undersigned elders, who took part in the national struggle for
independence – sultans and chiefs of the Somali Communities from the various
regions, religious leaders, businessmen, intellectuals and others – strongly and
unanimously feel that we can no longer remain passive spectators, nor ignore the
duties and responsibilities that we owe to our people and our country, both from
Somali and Islamic points of view, given the sufferings, the bloodshed and the
incalculable loss of life and property that our people have suffered for so long; as
well as all the consequent unforeseeable and negative repercussion and risks
that these may result vis-à-vis our national integrity and security.
Among others things, we are deeply disturbed by:


A The civil war ranging between the government forces and the opposition
movements which has caused unlimited disaster to our motherland, not
only militarily but also politically, economically, socially, morally, and
materially- to the point of making us feel ashamed of ourselves as Somalis
as well as being made pessimistic about our future.
B The killings of tens of thousands of innocent civilians including: the aged,
women and children as well as the destruction and looting of their
C The fleeing of hundreds of thousands of people from their homes because
of fear for their lives which compelled to seek refuge in other countries like
Ethiopia and Kenya.
The destruction and looting of major cities and towns including: Hargeisa, Burao,
Shiekh, Erigavo, Buhodle, Galkaio, Galdogob, Do'ol, Wargalo, Hilmo and its
surrounding hamlets, Afmadow, Liboya and Bada'de. To our shock and dismay,
most of the wells and water reservoirs on which, because of the and nature of
our land, the very existence and the life of the nomads and their livestock so
much depend were deliberately destroyed as punitive measures.

The lack of security and respect for the law in the country have reached such
proportions that there is hardly any Somali citizen, or a foreigner who sleeps at
his house at present without fear for the safety of his own life, his family and
In addition, as a result of the regime, divide and rule policy, a widespread tribal
feuds and hooliganism have taken and are taking an unlimited toll in almost
every region throughout the country, causing great losses to life and property,
and the disruption of trade, transport and communication as well as the sawing
the seeds of disharmony among brotherly communities- thus endangering the
peaceful co-existence of Somali communities.

In its twenty years' rule, the present regime has succeeded in monopolizing
power in the domains of politics, economy and security. In the process, the
people lost all their basic freedoms and role in the participation of the affairs of
their own country. What is well known to all is the regime's arbitrary practice of
throwing thousands of innocent citizens to prisons simply because they
'happened to comment on certain government policies or decisions which
seemed to them unjust; worse still, others were jailed for the mere suspicion of
being members or sympathizers of the opposition. Thousands of citizens have
suffered years of imprisonment under cruel living conditions without proper food,
water, light, health care, bedding etc. for periods up to 17 years. Many were
tortured and others died while still in detention without any formal charges
against them or due process of law. We cannot help but note, hereby, in a
combination of shame and irony, that under the European colonial rule, the
ordinary Somali enjoyed the right to Habeas Corpus whereas he has been
arbitrarily deprived of such rights as a citizen by the regime as early as October,
1969 with Decree Law No. 64. In this case, comparing the record of the present
regime to that of the British and Italian colonialism, doesn't independence mean
less freedom to the ordinary Somali citizen? We must say, that in light of the kind
of treatment the present regime has normally subjected to the Somali people for
the past twenty years, many Somalis cannot help but sadly say that: "things were
better under colonialism!"
No one can deny the fact that the present regime's human rights violation against
the Somali citizen has become so notorious for so long to have reached such a
point whereby Somalia has been listed as one of the four or five countries worse
violators of human rights in the whole world by Amnesty International, African
Watch and other human rights Organization.

All Somalis as well as foreigners interested in Somali affairs are fully aware of the
fact that government mismanagement and public maladministration have
reached such a low and shameful point that the present regime is normally
characterized with unconstrained corruption – from top to bottom – tribalism,
nepotism, tyranny, injustice and inefficiency to the point where one cannot help
but ask whether there is any national sense of responsibility in those who are
supposed to govern the Somali people.
Public administration, from the center to the regional and district levels, and all
public services that were intended to provide the basic foundations for the life of the people throughout the land, such as maintenance of law and order, protection
of life and property, public health, basic education, water and electricity, transport
and communication and the economic system, have practically ceased to
The Somali Commercial and Savings Bank, practically the only bank in the
country, as a result of the monopoly introduced by the regime, now refuses or is
unable to cash, strangely as this may sound, the very circular cheques and other
credit papers that it previously issued to its customers with savings and bank
accounts. This adds to the painful misery of poor citizens who now cannot get
their own little savings so badly needed for the daily survival of their children.
In addition, the far-reaching serious economic losses suffered by the Somali
traders and business community with a large deposits who cannot get their
capital out of the bank in order to conduct their normal business transactions.
This is bound to consequently have negative ill-effects and incalculable losses to
the whole national economy, which Somalia can ill-afford.
The Somali Commercial and Savings Bank has practically closed its doors to all
customers for the past eight weeks as of March 15, 1990. It is now widely
believed that the bank is totally bankrupt and in fact is thirty billion shillings in the
red. This has resulted from political, tribal interference and unbearable pressures
on the management of the bank from the highest circles of the government who
facilitated easy credit to the tune of hundreds of millions of shillings to the wives,
sons, daughters, brothers and other relatives, as well as tribesmen and other
political favorites of the governing echelon. Most of these loans are irrecoverable,
since they were guaranteed by any assets or equities.
Another issue that is of particular concern to us and so deeply distresses us is
the case of the National Army and the extent to which it has been reduced to an
instrument to monopolize power and serve the political and tribal interests of the
regime. It has also been used as an instrument of oppression of the Somali
The high purpose for which the National Army was created by the fast freely
elected government was to defend our national sovereignty and to serve our
national interest as a professional body, above political, tribal and personal
interests. The Somali people had very high hopes in the National Army and gave
their limited resources, paid a high price by giving its creation a top priority over
badly needed social and economic developments.
Contrary to any sense of justice, the regime has placed its own political power
and tribal interest above that of the whole nation by corrupting the army and
involving it in party politics and tribal interests and promoting the officer corps on
the basis of political and tribal loyalty as opposed to the traditional promotional
system based on "professional merits" as it used to be in the past, under the
command of the late General Da'ud Abdulle Hersi during the democratic civilian
government prior to October, 1969.
The irresponsible, egoistic and power hungry instrumentalization of the National
Army in order to maintain dictatorial power and tribal interest has reduced the
National Army to the point where it has lost all inspect and credibility in the eyes
of the Somali people. It has now practically disintegrated into tribal factions, sadly
and painfully as this may sound to all sensible Somalis.
Randomly stumbled upon the wiki of Aden Abdulle the first somali president and found out he died in Kenya 2007. Makes me wonder how he saw the collapse of the Somali state he was one of the founders of. View attachment 295009


Today there is no doubt that hunger and misery have been felt in every Somali

house except in those of the very few privileged ones. The entire national

economy is in shambles. As a result, tens of thousands of Somalis have fled the

country to the outside world in search for survival.

Unfortunately, the bulk of emigrants are the educated and the skilled laborers

whose skills and expertise the country would need most to remedy the present

national chaos.

The economic situation puts the existence of state at risk. It has already reduced

the Somali people to the humiliating condition of being international beggars.

This is an end-product of the dictatorial regime's mismanagement and corruption

as well as the arbitrary imposition of Marxist Economic system contrary to our

Islamic beliefs and cultural heritage. This philosophy has now been universally

acknowledged as a failing system as demonstrated by recent events in Eastern

Europe. By comparison, it is worthwhile remembering here that prior to the

military take-over; Somalia had a national reserve fund of over sixty million

dollars, plus a sum of stand-by hard currency capable of covering all import

requirements for the whole country for four months.

To sum up, the present disastrous and tragic situation in which we find ourselves

locked in is the end-product of twenty years of dictatorial rule and

mismanagement by the present regime. The regime has arbitrarily deprived the

Somali people of their fundamental rights for self-determination as well as the

participation in the national decision-making process, affecting their own lives,

families and future.

According to our considered opinion, only a replacement of the present regime

by a care-taker government will get us out of the present mess (and the sooner

we admit the reality the better) and will pave the way for a political settlement and

peaceful solution to our most critical issues. This caretaker government must

enjoy the respect and the confidence of the Somali people in general. The

sooner we recognize the God given rights of the Somali people to freely choose

their own government at every level, the better.

After all, once European Colonialism has left for good is there any Somali who

has any right to rule, colonize, or worse still enslave other Somalis by force?

We do take note of the fact that lately the regime has been publicizing its

willingness to abandon the present one-party rule, and its readiness to make

changes in its own constitution in order to provide for its replacement with a

multiparty democratic system, in time for a new political election in 1990.

However, the grim truth is that the Somali people have for the past twenty years

become utterly tired, disillusioned and skeptical of the usual political rhetoric and

empty promises that they have been subjected to and can no longer be

deceived. If the regime seriously means business, it should immediately take

concrete, clear-cut and tangible steps regarding constitutional changes, the

introduction of a multiparty democratic system and free political elections under

the close monitoring of independent observers from the Muslim World and

Western democracies.

In order to dissipate all doubts and suspicions, why not allow the widest possible

popular participation by duly chosen representatives of the Somali people, in

order to realize the proposed constitutional, political and electoral goals?

It seems to us that because the present regime has been accustomed to a total

monopoly of political power for more than two decades, it is unable to appreciate

the vital importance of popular participation in the political process. On the other

hand, it is as clear as day light, to all concerned, that the present regime by itself

alone no longer commands neither the power nor the ability to lead us from the

present danger, without the concerted effort and full backing of the Somali people

as a whole.

To give certain credibility to the proposed constitutional and democratic changes,

the first step needed is to abrogate immediately all the repressive laws as well as

all the institutional "appratichki" (NSS, the Hangash or Military Intelligence, the

Dhabarjebinta or Military Counter Intelligence, Koofiyad-Casta- Red Hats or

Military Police, Barista Xisbiga- Party Investigators, Guulwadayaal- Party militia

etc) such as:

1 Law No. 01 of 10 January, 1970- power of arrest.

2 Law No. 03 of 10 January, 1970- creation of National Security Court.

3 Law No. 14 of 15 February, 1970- creation of National Security Services.

4 Law No. 54 of 10 September, 1970- National Security.

5 Law No. 64 of 10 October, 1970- the abrogation of the right to Habeas


6 Law No. 67 of 01 Nov. 1970- Socialistic Defence.

7 Law No. 38 of April, 1972- judicial powers to the Military Supreme

Revolutionary Council.

At the same time, the old penal laws of the land, code No-5 of 16 December,

1962 and the penal procedure No. 1 of 10 January, 1963- enacted by the former

democratically elected Somali Parliament- should be immediately restored

enforce entirely.

After having suffered oppressive dictatorship for more than two decades, the

Somali people now feel heart-fully thirsty and hungry to re-acquire their

fundamental freedoms and national dignity. Therefore, if the regime is honestly

serious enough about its declared intentions of restoring democratic pluralism,

then the best test case would be the immediate abrogation of all the above

mentioned Marxist inspired oppressive laws, thus restoring forthwith, to the Somali people, their sacred rights to basic freedoms such as: freedom of speech,

freedom of assembly and association, and freedom to travel. It may well be worth

remembering of the various prominent Somalis who after having suffered

detention without trail for well over a decade have subsequently been place

under travel restrictions.

Considering the fact that the regime is now trying very hard to improve its lost

image and creditability inside and outside the country, what better means can

there be to achieve its own goals than the immediate abolition of these

repressive laws and the restoration of basic democracy?


First Priority of the NRSC is to:

1 Put a stop as quickly as possible all the blood that has so sadly and so

painfully been shed in most parts of Somalia;

2 Restore law and order, peace and stability through the country;

3 Find a political solution to the widespread civil war being fought .



We believe that it is indispensable to call the Conference of National

Reconciliation and Salvation according to our traditional "Shin" system of the

most popular political, tribal, religious and business leaders from all regions of

Somalia- leaders who enjoy the full respect and confidence of their local and

national constituents- to convene on a neutral ground as early as possible

preferably in Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Italy.

In order to prepare the ground and make sure that such a vital "shir" gets well

organized, we propose that a 13-member committee, called the Committee For

the Preparation of the National Conference of Reconciliation and Salvation,

composed of the following personalities, who in our opinion posses all the

necessary qualifications required for such a delicate task of national importance,

be immediately created:
The Signatories of the Document

1. Mr. Adam Abbdulle Osman (First President of the Country)

2. Shiekh Mukhtar Mohamed Hussein (Former President of the National


3. Dr. Ismail Jumale Osoble (Lawyer and Ex-Minister of Information)

4. Haji Muse Boqor (Ex Minister of Interior)

5. Dr. Mohamed Rajis Ahmed (Lawyer, Former Member of Parliament)

6. Mohamed Abshir Muse (Commandant of Somali Defence Forces 1958-60 Ex-

Commandant of Somali Police Forces 1960—69)

7. Sultan Dulane Rafle Guled

8. Mohamed Shiekh Ahmed Muse Ex-President of Supreme Court

9 Garad Abdiqani Garad Jama

10. Haji Jirde Hussein Duale

11 Haji Ali Shidde Abdi (Ex-Vice President- Somali Youth League Ex-


12. Shiekh Sharif Sharafow

13. Shiekh Ibrahim Suley

The duties and the responsibilities of the Preparatory Committee would be

as follows:

1. The organization, preparation of the agenda and the procedural rules of the


2. The selection and invitation of all conference participants and the

arrangements of all meetings required, making sure that all communities are

fairly represented;

3. Consultations with any one, or party who may have useful contribution to

make, inside or outside the country;

4. Conduct and oversee all necessary discussion with the government and the

opposition groups, with the principal aim of laying the foundation for a peaceful

political solution to the present crises;

Participants in the Conference for Reconciliation and Salvation:

1 Representatives of the governing party with full authority;

2 Representatives of all opposition groups with full authority;

3 Leaders, representing all regions in Somalia, who enjoy the full confidence

and respect of their people;

4 Most prominent religious leaders and intellectuals of national standing;

The Principal aims of the conference on National Reconciliation and Salvation:

1 Stopping the blood-shed amongst Somali brothers and the restoration of

law and order, peace and stability to the country;

2 Reaching a common agreement on the basic principles governing the new

Somali constitution;

3 Reaching a political agreement on the timetable and the best electoral

procedure for holding free elections e.g. for a new parliament, a new

president, new regional and district councils, necessary reforms on public

administration, the economy, public services and the armed forces.

4 Formation of a caretaker government to be charged with the responsibility

of carrying out the final decisions and agreement arrived in the conference.

Finally, we earnestly hope that your Excellency will agree with us on the gravity of the present situation and the unprecedented danger facing our nation. Hence

there is an absolute need on the part of every sensible citizen everywhere to put

national interest first and concentrate all their efforts- moral and material

resources- in safeguarding our motherland.

We, therefore, trust that you will give our proposal the maximum attention and

most careful consideration as well as the urgency that the present national crisis

objectively calls for in order to save our national integrity and honor.


Signatories’ names in the order they appeared in the document:

1. Haaji Aadan Abdulle ‘Ismaan

2. Sheekh Mukhtaar Mohamed Hussein

3. Haaji Muuse Boqor

4. Dr. Ismaa’iil Jim’aale

5. Dr. Mahamed Raajis Ahmed

6. Mahamed Abshir Muuse

7. Dr. Huseen Haaji Bood

8. Suldaan Turki Suldan Husseen Haile

9. ‘Ali Shiddo ‘Abdi

10. Sheekh Muudeey

11. Haaji ‘Ismaan Ahmed Robble

13. Haaji Baynah Barre

14. Ahmed Mahamed ‘Abdulle

15. Mahamuud Yuusuf Aadan

16. Prof. Ibraahim Mahamuud Abyan

17. Dr. Mahamuud Jaama Afbalaar

18. Haashi Weheliye Maalin

19. Haji Kamaaludiin Haaji Ali

20. ‘Abdulaahi Sheekh Mahamuud

21. Mahamed ‘Ali ‘Aateeye

22. ‘All Mahdi Mahamed

23. ‘Ali Huseen Gura’

24. Dr. ‘Abdullaahi Ma’allin ‘Abdulle

25. Boqor ‘Abdulaahi Boqor Muuse

26. Mahamed Faarah Siyaad

27. Saalah ‘Ali ‘Abdulle

28. Dr. Hasan Dhimbil Warsame

29. Dr. ‘Abdi’asiis Nuur Hersi

30. Mire ‘Olaad ‘Awaale

31. Baashi ‘Ali Jaama’

32. Dr. ‘Abdi Sheekh Aadan

33. Hersi Haaji Jaama’

34. ‘Abdulqaadir Haashi ‘Igaal Dholo-dholo

35. Aadan ‘Umar

36. Dr. ‘Abdirahmaan ‘ilmi ‘Igaal

37. ‘Abdulaahi ‘Umar Bootaan

38. Mahamed Si’iid ‘Iyow Gentelman

39. Mahamed Diirriye

40. Dr. Sheekh ‘Ali Mahamuud

41. Haaji ‘Ali Geeddi Shirdoon

42. Khaliif Jaama’

43. Dr. Muumin ‘Umar Ahmed

44. Yuusuf Jaama’

45. Dr. Ahmed Mahamed Darmaan

46. ‘Abdi Haaji Yuusuf Shulu’

47. Haaji Ahmed Raage ‘Abdi

48. ‘Abdi Bullaale

49. Inj. ‘Abdulqaadir Aadan ‘Abdulle

50. Ahmed Ismaa’iil Boqor

51. ‘Abdulqaadir Iimaan Aadan

52. Mahamuud Haaji ‘Abdulaahi Qore

53. Hasan Haaji Mahamed

54. Dr. Mahamuud Muhumed Huseen

55. ‘Abdulaahi Haaji Yuusuf ‘Igaal

56. Dr. ‘Abdi Mahamuud Mahamed

57. Jibrill Hasan Mahamed

58. Mahamuud Geeddi Mahamuud

59. Mahamed ‘Ali Haashi

60. Ahmed ‘llmi ‘Ismaan

61. ‘Abdi Iidle Chuuriye

62. Huseen Ahmed ‘Abdulle

63. Ibraahim Rooble Warfaa

64. Faarah Warsame ‘Ismaan

65. Ahmaday Sheekh Qaasim

66. ‘Ali Iimaan Gadaw

67. Sheekh ‘Abdirashild Sheekh ‘Ali Suufi

68. ‘Ali Mahamed Osbite

69. ‘Abdulaahi Faarah Hoolif

70. Haaji Mahamuud Koogaar

71. Hasan Barre

72. Hasan Guureeye Kaarshe

73. Dr. ‘Abdulqaadir Mahamed Abuukar

74. Mohamed Jaama’ Geyre

75. Dubad Sugelle Mohamuud

76. Haaji M. ‘Awaale Liibaan

77. Jaama”Ali Jaama’

78. Mhamaed Yuusuf Faarah

79. Yaasiin Guure ‘Ali

80. Mahamed ‘Umar Jaama’

81. ‘Abdullaahi ‘Iise Yusuf

82. Mahamed Sa’iid Ismaa’iil

83. Beeldaaje ‘Ali Nuur Faarah “Bin Ja’eyl

84. ‘Abdi Muhumud Aanin

85. Ahmed ‘Abdi Daahir “Shell”

86. Mire’Ali ‘Ismaan

87. Abshir Kaahiye Faarah

88. Haareey Qaasim Weheliye

89. ‘Ali Muhumed Guuleed

90. Haaji Mahamed ‘Abdulle Furre

91. ‘Ali Mahamed ibraahim

92. Ahmed Sheekh Muhumed

93. ‘Ali ‘Alas Faarey

94. ‘Abdi Muhumed Khayre

95. Haaji Ahmed Haaji Mahamed

96. ‘Abdulaahi Huseen Maajoor

97. Salaad ‘Ali Diini

98. Sheekh Abuukar Ma’allin ‘Ali

99. ‘Abdirashid Mohamud

100. Hasan ‘Anshur Mohamed

101. ‘Abdullahi Mahamud Matukade

102. Sa’iid ‘Usmaan Keynadiid

103. Mahamed Haaji ‘Umar

104. ‘Umar Mahamed Guuled

105. Haaji Ahmed ‘Ali Islaweyn

106. Haaji Faarah ‘Usmaan

107. Muuse Yuusuf ‘Ali

108. ‘Abdihamiid Islaan Faarah

109. Faarah Osman Shiwaar

110. ‘Abdirahmaan Sheekh Nuur