How do hipsters afford their lifestyle?

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A lot of hipsters are either unemployed or work part time jobs or do something artistic that is not enough to pay the bills and rent.

How do they afford their $1800 a month rent downtown? Their $10 coffee? Their $2000 Macbooks? They go to the most expensive restaurants. They wear expensive clothing.

This is a group of people that has always fascinated me.

Obviously a few hipsters who own hipster businesses in the areas of the city they took over are doing great but how about the vast majority of them who live this lifestyle?

Their lifestyle is not possible to anyone making an average income.

What is the secret to living a hipster lifestyle when most people can't afford to have one?

There's something I like about them though
I think average credit debt in the west is something like 150%. So... they don't afford it. Credit card debit is even higher in places like South Korea.
A few days ago, they somehow were able to convince the city to shut down a busy downtown block to play street hockey. Close to rush hour traffic time. And they designed it with an actual fancy rink with such artistic stuff.

They way they play sports is different too. There is not much movement that breaks a sweat. They walk while playing.

Very unique people.

But credit card limits can only go so far. It's not a sustainable lifestyle

I think I work with a hipster. He started a few weeks ago. Big fancy twirly moustache and a beard and he only works part time (it was his only condition after being hired). Hes out by lunch time.

A lot of hipsters are either unemployed or work part time jobs or do something artistic that is not enough to pay the bills and rent.

How do they afford their $1800 a month rent downtown? Their $10 coffee? Their $2000 Macbooks? They go to the most expensive restaurants. They wear expensive clothing.

This is a group of people that has always fascinated me.

Obviously a few hipsters who own hipster businesses in the areas of the city they took over are doing great but how about the vast majority of them who live this lifestyle?

Their lifestyle is not possible to anyone making an average income.

What is the secret to living a hipster lifestyle when most people can't afford to have one?

There's something I like about them though
the secret is not choosing a white mans job, leave the office shit for the white men and get yourself a enineering degree in one of the 8 engineering deciplines whether its software engineering or mechanical engineering. this is why indians and chinese foreigners come to the west and make stupid money after they leave uni with a qualification in one of the engineering disciplines.


What makes you think their lifestyle is extravagant? Most of them wear H&M type of clothing and a MacBook is not that expensive overall as you can get them secondhand at a big discount on eBay/Craigslist or similar websites. Starbucks coffee? Also not expensive. It's not like they are eating caviar or drinking vintage wine.
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