How do Somalia's presidential elections work?

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Not your typical Farah
According to Wikipedia's "Somali presidential election, 2017" -- "The president was elected by the 328 members of the Lower House and Upper House of the Somali parliament. The Parliament's members were elected in the 2016 parliamentary election which itself was limited to 14,025 clan elder-appointed delegates",_2017

So let me get this. 14,025 older men vote for the legislative branch. Then the legislative branch votes for the president?
According to Wikipedia's "Somali presidential election, 2017" -- "The president was elected by the 328 members of the Lower House and Upper House of the Somali parliament. The Parliament's members were elected in the 2016 parliamentary election which itself was limited to 14,025 clan elder-appointed delegates",_2017

So let me get this. 14,025 older men vote for the legislative branch. Then the legislative branch votes for the president?



cismaan maxamuud
wait a minute the people have no say what kind of fucked up shit is this (disclaimer:i dont support democracy)
looks like qabil will forever be relevant(Dont be surprised i didn't know this,i am personally not that interested by siyaasad especially Somali siyaasad)

It was supposed to be one-man-one-vote but HSM incompetence and the Ethiopian/CIA backed al-shabab made this impossible, it's planned again for 2021, hopefully Farmaajo can make this become a reality, but it's a massive tall order in 4 years.

His work will be very easy in Xamar, the people are sick to death of this whole thing, his challenges will be J/land P/land and S/land.

Wherever the people suffered for a long period of time through prolonged conflict, their psyche is different, maybe all these famines hitting central/north Somalia the hardest is a way of softening the people up and turning them against the leadership much like HSM accomplished in Xamar with his rule.

Time will tell of course, but this looks like the most plausible strategy.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I only saw MPs vote, I didn't see the senators vote
Edit: also my bad guys, I misread the "elder-appointed delegates"

The elders appointed elders were constructed to make bribery nearly impossible. It's hard to bribe 14,000 people :icon lol:
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