How do we unify somali tribes

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gilic mech

Satan worshipper
Let's discuss what's wrong and how can we change it for a better future for our children's children that burden sits on our shoulders ..
This notion that Somalis must be united no matter what is just plain stupid. Like @Sozay said better we go our separate ways.

Hopefully Puntland will re-instate the monarchy of House Osman Mohamud, the only real Somali monarchy that existed.:mjswag:

gilic mech

Satan worshipper
You can only unite them through force,thats what we shall do to the Hartis in Somaliland
they are not animals they are human with dignity and approach them as such and secondly their somali our brothers and sisters . things can be resolved in dignified manner .


Suicidal men adore me.
Why do Somalis act like we're different ethnicity. doesn't matter what clan you're from we are one people but some of us are to dumb to understand that. Killing each other because of something as stupid as clan.


Suicidal men adore me.
they are not animals they are human with dignity and approach them as such and secondly their somali our brothers and sisters . things can be resolved in dignified manner .

By force! By a strong government. There should be censorship about clans and harsh laws. We also need to educate. We act like we're not one people. We are one Somali people and we need to protect and fight for each other

gilic mech

Satan worshipper
By force! By a strong government. There should be censorship about clans and harsh laws. We also need to educate. We act like we're not one people. We are one Somali people and we need to protect and fight for each other
force is not a solution it's a creator of animosity . but to instill a nationalistic rather than triblistinc narrative to the media for the next or current generation and to create strut ure of governance that elects a president or prime minister on their merit rather then there tribe . And a facility that will uitlized for tribal despites of all sorts. At least that's the dream . That I hold closely to my heart .


Suicidal men adore me.
force is not a solution it's a creator of animosity . but to instill a nationalistic rather than triblistinc narrative to the media for the next or current generation and to create strut ure of governance that elects a president or prime minister on their merit rather then there tribe . And a facility that will uitlized for tribal despites of all sorts. At least that's the dream . That I hold closely to my heart .

If not by force them we must take radical measurement. Put a ban on politicians disclosing their clan. Educate the good and bad about clanism in Somalia. But most of all have nationalistic/ethnicity stand point in Somalia.

Someone unfortunately has to do it. That person will face resistant so therefor we must do it by force. In the end when the killing of innocent Somali sisters and brothers stop they will thank us


Prince of East Africa
Gilic and Barni are women,they dont understand that it is war and dominance is how kingdoms,nations and even Civilizations are born.With Sland we won independence with War and we will force those against through war and economic dominance."We make war that we may live in peace"-Aristotle and he also said “It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace.” Organize the peace in this context is Hartis joining Somaliland after their eventual political defeat(by occupying Garoowe and Bosaaso inshaallah)!We will leave Harti to live peacefully in Gaalkacayo (more like eaten alive lmfaooo)

gilic mech

Satan worshipper
Gilic and Barni are women,they dont understand that it is war and dominance is how kingdoms,nations and even Civilizations are born.With Sland we won independence with War and we will force those against through war and economic dominance."We make war that we may live in peace"-Aristotle and he also said “It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace.” Organize the peace in this context is Hartis joining Somaliland after their eventual political defeat(by occupying Garoowe and Bosaaso inshaallah)!We will leave Harti to live peacefully in Gaalkacayo (more like eaten alive lmfaooo)
first am a dude . Secondly war on against your people is wrong isn't the the reason you won't join greater somalia because you and people were attacked . (Peace can't be kept by force ; it can only be achieved by understanding albert Einstein ) we are the same people it's oxymoronic for sl to seek independence.
By promoting and strenghtening Somali identity. We are all bonded by it politically, religiously,culturally,racially ,historically and our contemporary struggles are very much universally Somali.

FYI we have clans not tribes.
If we do not unite we will extinct we do not have enemy on gate but enemy occupying our land, wiping us day by day through man made famine, civil war , sending his AIDS Oromo people like when we will unite it is now or ..... First Nation fate is waiting
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