How does the 4.5 work?


SSpots starting point guard
Can you guys breakdown the 4.5. I know the 4 big tribes get 1 and the minority get .5. But who is included in the .5? I’ve been researching about different clans recently.
All the langaabs and the outcast clans and Madowweyne are 0.5.

0.5 are probably 1/4 of Somalia. They rightfully deserve 1/4 of the seats.

I am working closely with foreign groups to bring 0.5 rule to Somalia where they are subservient to the West and makes Somalia a vassal state. Or 0.5 becoming political spoilers. We will see if it works. If it happens, know that I am responsible.


SSpots starting point guard
All the langaabs and the outcast clans and Madowweyne are 0.5.

0.5 are probably 1/4 of Somalia. They rightfully deserve 1/4 of the seats.

I am working closely with foreign groups to bring 0.5 rule to Somalia where they are subservient to the West and makes Somalia a vassal state. Or 0.5 becoming political spoilers. We will see if it works. If it happens, know that I am responsible.
Quick question if you remove issaq from dir in 4.5 wouldn’t dir be langaab? Also wouldn’t Madowweyne be bigger than them.


the sea
All the langaabs and the outcast clans and Madowweyne are 0.5.

0.5 are probably 1/4 of Somalia. They rightfully deserve 1/4 of the seats.

I am working closely with foreign groups to bring 0.5 rule to Somalia where they are subservient to the West and makes Somalia a vassal state. Or 0.5 becoming political spoilers. We will see if it works. If it happens, know that I am responsible.
Are the 0.5s 25% of the population. What estimated percentage would you give them?
Quick question if you remove issaq from dir in 4.5 wouldn’t dir be langaab? Also wouldn’t Madowweyne be bigger than them.

Langaab means short lineage, not small population. For example, Arab Salaax is langaab and cadcad are also langaab. However, clans smaller than Arab Salaax and cadcad like the microscopic Geri Kombe and Ayub are landheere. Dir are the most landheer clan. They have a long lineage, longer than anyone. Madowweyne are definently larger than Dir. They are the largest clan in Somalia after D&M.

Are the 0.5s 25% of the population. What estimated percentage would you give them?

25% seems right. There are millions of 0.5


SSpots starting point guard
Langaab means short lineage, not small population. For example, Arab Salaax is langaab and cadcad are also langaab. Dir are the most landheer clan. They have a long lineage, longer than anyone. Madowweyne are definently larger than Dir. They are the largest clan in Somalia after D&M.

25% seems right. There are millions of 0.5
I could’ve sworn people insulted eachother using langaab.


the sea
Langaab means short lineage, not small population. For example, Arab Salaax is langaab and cadcad are also langaab. However, clans smaller than Arab Salaax and cadcad like Geri Kombe and Ayub are not langaab. Dir are the most landheer clan. They have a long lineage, longer than anyone. Madowweyne are definently larger than Dir. They are the largest clan in Somalia after D&M.

25% seems right. There are millions of 0.5
what does 0.5s include. Which groups.
I could’ve sworn people insulted eachother using langaab.

They use it incorrectly.

what does 0.5s include. Which groups.

2002 article. However I don't think they are 1/3.

Although the population of minority groups living in Somalia has not as yet been established, estimates indicate that they constitute one third of the total Somalia population; approximately 2,000,000 people. The minority groups include Bantu, Bravenese, Rerhamar, Bajuni, Eyle, Galgala, Tumal, Yibir and Gaboye. These groups continue to live in conditions of great poverty and suffer numerous forms of discrimination and exclusion.

Are clans like ajuran, garre, xawaadle, and degodia 0.5s?

Ajuran is 0.5. Don't know where Garre falls but they are not 4.0 in lineage. They probably falsely claim Hawiye like Hawadle and Degodiya. Hawiye doesn't hide their sheegatos like the other clans, who have been caught red-handed by 23andme.
Ajuran is 0.5. Don't know where Garre falls but they are not 4.0 in lineage. They probably falsely claim Hawiye like Hawadle and Degodiya. Hawiye doesn't hide their sheegatos like the other clans, who have been caught red-handed by 23andme.
Hawadle is Hawiye only politically. They have more seats and representation in Hawiye then the so called “eldest” of Hawiye Murosade.
Hawadle is Hawiye only politically. They have more seats and representation in Hawiye then the so called “eldest” of Hawiye Murosade.

Yes they are Hawiye culturally and politically but not by lineage. They descend from Mayle Samaale, brother of Irir Samaale and Gardheere Samaale (Degodiya) according to It doesn't matter though. It's been proven Somali clans are mostly fake anyway and mixed with random people with random lineages. Those Samaale brothers are likely not even real people but bedtime stories.


I never understood why it was never 5.0, the whole system is unfair and rigged towards certain clans. Hopefully 1p1v is going to solve so many of our problems. :)
Four major clans Hawiye, Darood, Dir, D&M are all awarded 1 point meaning 61 seats distributed along their own sub clans. The 0.5 include all other unrelated minorities awarding them 31 seats of which they should figure out how to share among themselves

The 275 seat assembly of 4.5 gives representation in that order for elections, which isn't really an election but a selection because 275 corrupt & opportunistic MP's often times disconnected from their own tribes or have no genuine unifying leadership that speaks for their constituents get to vote on behalf of 15 million people.

This arrangement has been very harmful to the progress of Somalia for 2 decades and made it very easy to manipulate appointment of presidents, gov officials, petitions and approved laws. It has also exasperate a culture of bribery & corruption with major clans such as Hawiye & Darood having total dominance over the government and call all the shots.

In particular certain sub clans such as Abgaal & HG from the Hawyie, Marjeerteen & Marehaan of the Darood usually run for the top seat and often time (not always) hold an unspoken duopoly over Presidency as well as the Prime Ministry. The rest major clans are mere second fiddlers as they lack foreign backers to bribe MP's and promote their clan's interests.

This system impedes any form of collective national unity that transcends myopic clan interests with every MP being mere vessel for foreigners using tribal connections to get appointed and thus enjoy monetary benefits from UN and selling his vote for the highest bidder.

I have no idea why would the average citizen hold on to this dysfunctional system which proved to be not working. For far too long Somalia has been hostage to these self serving treacherous parasites that live off our country's instability.

I am glad 1M1V is coming along to end this shit show.


SSpots starting point guard
Four major clans Hawiye, Darood, Dir, D&M are all awarded 1 point meaning 61 seats distributed along their own sub clans. The 0.5 include all other unrelated minorities awarding them 31 seats of which they should figure out how to share among themselves

The 275 seat assembly of 4.5 gives representation in that order for elections, which isn't really an election but a selection because 275 corrupt & opportunistic MP's often times disconnected from their own tribes or have no genuine unifying leadership that speaks for their constituents get to vote on behalf of 15 million people.

This arrangement has been very harmful to the progress of Somalia for 2 decades and made it very easy to manipulate appointment of presidents, gov officials, petitions and approved laws. It has also exasperate a culture of bribery & corruption with major clans such as Hawiye & Darood having total dominance over the government and call all the shots.

In particular certain sub clans such as Abgaal & HG from the Hawyie, Marjeerteen & Marehaan of the Darood usually run for the top seat and often time (not always) hold an unspoken duopoly over Presidency as well as the Prime Ministry. The rest major clans are mere second fiddlers as they lack foreign backers to bribe MP's and promote their clan's interests.

This system impedes any form of collective national unity that transcends myopic clan interests with every MP being mere vessel for foreigners using tribal connections to get appointed and thus enjoy monetary benefits from UN and selling his vote for the highest bidder.

I have no idea why would the average citizen hold on to this dysfunctional system which proved to be not working. For far too long Somalia has been hostage to these self serving treacherous parasites that live off our country's instability.

I am glad 1M1V is coming along to end this shit show.
I think I get the basics of it but this definitely isn’t democracy in any way.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Langaab means short lineage, not small population. For example, Arab Salaax is langaab and cadcad are also langaab. However, clans smaller than Arab Salaax and cadcad like the microscopic Geri Kombe and Ayub are landheere. Dir are the most landheer clan. They have a long lineage, longer than anyone. Madowweyne are definently larger than Dir. They are the largest clan in Somalia after D&M.

25% seems right. There are millions of 0.5

How does Dir have longer lineage than Hawiye? You do know abtirsi wise we are older than them

Hawiye Irir Samaale
Dir Aji Irir Samaale

Colonials divided Somalis into Hawiye, Aji (Dir, Darod and Isaaq) and RX. RX is said to have arrived after 15th century escaping Harar.

Hauìa , che costituiscono il secondo grande ceppo dei Somali , sarebbero storicamente i più antichi di questa razza , insediatisi nella Somalia meridionale

The Hauìa, which constitute the second great stock of the Somali, would historically be the oldest of this race, settled in southern Somalia
How does Dir have longer lineage than Hawiye? You do know abtirsi wise we are older than them

Hawiye Irir Samaale
Dir Aji Irir Samaale

Colonials divided Somalis into Hawiye, Aji (Dir, Darod and Isaaq) and RX. RX is said to have arrived after 15th century escaping Harar.
Reewin groups were the first Somali/Cushiticgroup to enter what is the southern part of modern-day Somalia, around the end of the second century B.C


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Why does isaaq even get any seats?
Arent they activley trying to seccede
there are moderate unionists in the north. You would be very low iq to push them away. It would put a nail in the coffin for somalia
there are moderate unionists in the north. You would be very low iq to push them away. It would put a nail in the coffin for somalia
They're already pushed away idk what they're doing in that hellhole when they can do a lot back in their home country just look at former minister Beyle is back in his home serving his people instead of wasting his time in Xamar

