How fucked up is this?

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According to Al Shabaab:
Daalo bombing 'was to target senior western spies who protect the Muslims of Somalia'. It nearly killed dozens of Somalis who calmly read the Quran after a bomb went off leaving a hole in the plane as the pilot made a miracle landing.

Liido attack 'was aimed at apostate governments staff' fires at an entire family leaving a child soaked in blood waiting for her mum to "wake up", the baby and her uncle are scarred for life.

Mortar attack near Villa Somalia, kills three children and their mother living nearby. They claim they warned people to avoid 'areas of interest'.

On and on (all claimed to be accidental, forewarned of attacks so they avoid blood money questions from eager recruits) yet they still get people to suicide bomb a park with children's swings and roundabouts? Maxay dadkaan ku aqriyaan waan fahmi la'ahey! They got SYL hotel too so they can cover up this attack on families spending their Jumca in the only child friendly place in the city.

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@waraabe How do they still get recruits willing to end their life for their 'cause'? Who's dumb enough to believe their warped ideology any more? I mean you've gotta have something missing up there to buy into it by now. Who's this thick? They could be collecting billions from these assassinations and massacres.


America killed millions for 'democracy'. You can make anything a weapon.

You can't compare 'Murica to these ragtag Jihadi militias. The US has clear objectives and respects the geneva convention. Jihadis on the other hand know that they can't win and operate as a suicidal death cult in order to terrorize civilians. At least 'Murica wins.


They just have bigger PR budgets and war gadgets, they're no different. Compare their objectives and means to an end with an open mind. My way or the highway. Millions dead. Count the bodies and ask yourself if those objectives were worth those lives. Nothing is.


Maybe god is mad at people in xamar for what they caused in the past and are paying for it:francis:
Idk why anyone is surprised this is happening xamar probably has the highest criminals per sq mile:mjpls:
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