How many qashin reactions do you have

qashin rating always cracks me up



I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
41? @Karim

I’m going to run to the @Admin and snitch

Haraam caleek!
Actually I'm the last person to abuse the Qashin ratings. I have given only 76 in 4 years while receiving 307.

You were asking for it though... You wanted to improve your Qashin ratings and I provided some assistance :pachah1:
Actually I'm the last person to abuse the Qashin ratings. I have given only 76 in 4 years while receiving 307.

You were asking for it though... You wanted to improve your Qashin ratings and I provided some assistance :pachah1:

lol I’d like to think I’m a pleasant member on this forum and I don’t get many qashin reactions and I was proud and wanted a pat on the back dee



I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
lol I’d like to think I’m a pleasant member on this forum and I don’t get many qashin reactions and I was proud and wanted a pat on the back dee

Your Qashin stats are awful tho... 41 Qashin ratings in 45 days as registered member :heh: