How to live happily. Follow these.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Salaam everyone.

First and foremost I would like to wish everyone a happy Sunday. Hope everyone is doing wonderful.
I am sure everyone wants to live happily and live a happy life. But sometimes we don't know where to start. I hope you consider the things I'm about list and apply it to your everyday life. At the end of the day I just want people to be happy. Happiness is the key to life.

Start praying- Allah swt is our creator, I can't imagine living happily without Allah swt in my life.
Read the Quran.
Appreciate yourself. Get to know yourself, give yourself a compliment everyday. Know your worth.
Help the unfortunate people.
Start rearranging your furniture-- whenever I rearrange my room, living room, kitchen or even bathroom, I feel sense of happiness.
Explore the world, take a trip to a different Country, state, city or town.
Start doing something different, like learn how to cook, a new recipe, start baking.
Read your favorite book or a new book.
Take a 30 minute walk daily, get fresh air.
Talk or text your favorite person, it could be a spouse, your bestfriend, your parent, anyone that makes you smile.
Do what you enjoy, whether it's shopping, sewing, pottery, exercising, playing video games.
Get a makeover, get a different haircut, start doing your make up differently.
Light candles around your house and enjoy a quiet a time.

People are different, little things make me happy.

Here are few of my favorite quotes.




Happiness lies within the QUran and being a good muslim. Good thread @Reiko. I feel the happiest when I am closer to God and I have heard plenty of people say the same thing.
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