How to make Somalia better

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Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
Somalia went through a bad bashing through out history in the last century. We were tossed like a ball imbetween the Italian and British imperialist.

In the times of Islam flourishing in the land of Somaal, we had a great military, great goverment and great trade.

Through out reading ibn battutas time in Somaal, we in 2017 lost our Somaliness, look we have caused havoc for our selves.

Now I think we can change.

We can make our Somalia better.

Look, what we have done the Arabs and turks were our allies in day one but in day two we sacked them by having pride and kibr.

As muslims we should bond for the sake of God but not disbond about kibr.


Bellum omnium contra omnes

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