How we are easily controlled.


I do something called "what I want"
I just came back from watching this netflix documentary called "The Social Dilemma", which basically goes in depth on how addicted we are to Social Media. How Social Media sites and just all in all super corporations in software know almost everything about us. They know if we're depressed, our political alignment, what we just ate and what we're in the mood for. They even go as far as conditioning us to think and act in certain ways.

To many of you it just seems like advertisement, but it's more than that. Top politicians and elites are in on it, it's more than just selling you a product, it's about controlling you. They use self learning AI, and the thing about Machine learning is that we have no idea what is going on, we built the machine, but the machine changes itself. All we know is that it is finding the most efficient way to achieve the goal we set. I remember watching videos about neural network and one of the engineers full out says "I have no idea what these numbers mean, I just know it helps it figure out what the computer is looking at".

I mean can you imagine a computer perfectly understanding human speech and emotion? Facial expressions and body gestures too. I really recommend watching this documentary and doing more research. Once you let algorithms let loose, almost anything can be achieved. A company can easily pay Facebook to find all the people who are single, living in San Diego, and have been laid off from their job to advertise to them their product. within a second Facebook will find hundreds of thousands of people who fit that description, and to top it off they'll skim through those people's most recent habits and what they've been doing to find the most ideal people to advertise to. Of course not before showing them a couple of videos and posts on their feed that have been mathematicall proven to increase chances.

Nothing is a coincidence when it comes to these companies. Do you notice how instagram doesn't show you the LATEST posts, you think you have at the very least your timeline personalized, but no, they find the best posts for you and show them in the correct order or won't even show you some posts at a time. Same for twitter, do you think they randomly choose which one of the posts your mutuals liked to show you? Or they choose the random reply to show you and at a random order.


I got real connections
I just came back from watching this netflix documentary called "The Social Dilemma", which basically goes in depth on how addicted we are to Social Media. How Social Media sites and just all in all super corporations in software know almost everything about us. They know if we're depressed, our political alignment, what we just ate and what we're in the mood for. They even go as far as conditioning us to think and act in certain ways.

To many of you it just seems like advertisement, but it's more than that. Top politicians and elites are in on it, it's more than just selling you a product, it's about controlling you. They use self learning AI, and the thing about Machine learning is that we have no idea what is going on, we built the machine, but the machine changes itself. All we know is that it is finding the most efficient way to achieve the goal we set. I remember watching videos about neural network and one of the engineers full out says "I have no idea what these numbers mean, I just know it helps it figure out what the computer is looking at".

I mean can you imagine a computer perfectly understanding human speech and emotion? Facial expressions and body gestures too. I really recommend watching this documentary and doing more research. Once you let algorithms let loose, almost anything can be achieved. A company can easily pay Facebook to find all the people who are single, living in San Diego, and have been laid off from their job to advertise to them their product. within a second Facebook will find hundreds of thousands of people who fit that description, and to top it off they'll skim through those people's most recent habits and what they've been doing to find the most ideal people to advertise to. Of course not before showing them a couple of videos and posts on their feed that have been mathematicall proven to increase chances.

Nothing is a coincidence when it comes to these companies. Do you notice how instagram doesn't show you the LATEST posts, you think you have at the very least your timeline personalized, but no, they find the best posts for you and show them in the correct order or won't even show you some posts at a time. Same for twitter, do you think they randomly choose which one of the posts your mutuals liked to show you? Or they choose the random reply to show you and at a random order.
The recommendation algorithm is meant to be addictive, they want to consume all are youth and life years and make us unproductive citizens.


I do something called "what I want"
The recommendation algorithm is meant to be addictive, they want to consume all are youth and life years and make us unproductive citizens.
Exactly. In the documentary they go into what they monitor, they check exactly how long you view each post, if you like. How often you view certain posts of certain kinds. At first it does everything randomly, but eventually, with billions of people as guinea pigs, it will learn what is best.

That’s the incredibility of machine learning. Humans follow intuition, logic, emotion, FALSE logic, FALSE intuition, and data that they can’t perfectly analyze. Whereas computers follow hard cold logic, and data that is perfectly computed.

They don’t care if what they’re showing the user is throwing them through insanity, depression, or a happy life. As long as they see the numbers are going to their goals, they keep it up.

