how were/are gender roles at your house?

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Hooyo cooked food generally. I'd mostly cook my own tho and sometimes aabe would whip up either some nasty shit or something delish af.

Everybody cleans, vacuums, does the dishes, fix their own room and wash & hang clothes. Hooyo does most of the grocery shopping.


not so sad after all
Hooyo cooked food generally. I'd mostly cook my own tho and sometimes aabe would whip up either some nasty shit or something delish af.

Everybody cleans, vacuums, does the dishes, fix their own room and wash & hang clothes. Hooyo does most of the grocery shopping.
wow. Im surprised there are somali dads who cook, if even once. at my house, brothers get told to vacuum and stuff like that, but god forbid they enter the kitchen :lol: at least if I'm there
My mum makes regular meals, but my father cooks when he has the chance. He hates Somali food rice/pasta and insists we eat Turkish/Algerian food, as they'll develop your body more. As to cleaning, like @Discontinous everybody does it.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
It was 50/50 My mom cooked my dad cooked from time to time and the rest of us cleaned our rooms pretty much and we also had a few days where we had to Cook for the entire family whatever we felt like and someone had to bake Bread for the evening was usually me Since I made the best ones lol


Suicidal men adore me.
I cooked half of the time and the rest was hooyo. Grocery shopping was split between everyone. I clean the house, and we split on who's suppose to wash the clothes. I always have to hang and fold them tho.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
My mom did most of the cooking, my dad and the rest of us kids were helping from time to time. I was the family pack mule/handyman always picking up the groceries, fixing and repairing furniture and handling anything tech related. The cleaning was more evenly split but our mom still did a little bit more.


I got boomer connections
My dad never cooked, not that I ever saw. R.I.P.

My sisters did most of the cooking, where us the males, we were never asked to cook. As far fixing rooms, everyone was responsible for their rooms.
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