HSM says he welcomes Christians opening Churches in Somalia!


Guul iyo Gobanimo
What the hell do you think, it's un-Islamic to ban other people's faith. Let people practice their religions as long as it does not go against Islam, or propagate it.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Don’t you advocate for a democratic and free society. I see nothing wrong with this, don’t be a hypocrite, if you live in another man’s land that is.
So building churches and openly allowing shirk is fine to you?


Guul iyo Gobanimo
So building churches and openly allowing shirk is fine to you?
You think Islam is against the idea of Christians building churches in Muslim lands? Show me where it says it is not allowed. Wallahi many of you are brainwashed by Al Shabaab. Wahabist cult has destroyed your common sense and tolerance.
You think Islam is against the idea of Christians building churches in Muslim lands? Show me where it says it is not allowed. Wallahi many of you are brainwashed by Al Shabaab. Wahabist cult has destroyed your common sense and tolerance.
Its understandable to allow the building of churches in countries with historically old and notable Christian populations (Egypt, Palestine, Syria) but why Somalia? Its 99.99% Muslim with no actual Christians living in it. Any funding towards churches are best to be used for buildings Somalis actually need.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
Its understandable to allow the building of churches in countries with historically old and notable Christian populations (Egypt, Palestine, Syria) but why Somalia? Its 99.99% Muslim with no actual Christians living in it. Any funding towards churches are best to be used for buildings Somalis actually need.
Of course, it's their money that would go to a church. No tax money will go to it.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
Perhaps in the future there will be a bunch of Ethiopian migrant workers in Somalia. We could accommodate them with a church or two but that is about it.
That is exactly what my point is, no need to be hostile. If in the future Somalia receives immigrants of other religions, they should definitely be assured that they will not be harmed upon their arrival in Somalia.

No need to behave like animals or like Hindu nationalists. You just look stupid then


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
You think Islam is against the idea of Christians building churches in Muslim lands? Show me where it says it is not allowed. Wallahi many of you are brainwashed by Al Shabaab. Wahabist cult has destroyed your common sense and tolerance.
Yes it is according to the classical scholars
Taqiy al-Deen al-Subki al-Shaafa’i (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

Building a church is haraam according to consensus and the same applies to renovating it. This is what the fuqaha’ said: If a bequest is made to build a church, that bequest is invalid, because building a church is a sin, as is renovating it. It makes no difference whether the one leaving the bequest is a Muslim or a kaafir. End quote.

Fataawa al-Subki, 2/396

Rather the matter is more serious than being a sin; building a place of worship for non-Muslims -- whether this is a church or anything else – implies love of kufr and spreading it, and fighting Tawheed, and encouraging disbelief in the Lord of the Worlds, and this may lead the one who does that to kufr.

Imam Abu’l-Hasan al-Ash’ari (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

Approving of kufr is kufr, and building a church in which Allah is disbelieved is kufr, because it is approving of kufr. End quote.

Al-Furooq by al-Quraafi, 4/124

After that, how can it be said that it is permissible for a Muslim to bequeath any of his wealth to build a church and that this is not a sin? “Glory be to You (O Allaah)! This is a great lie” [al-Noor 24:16].

We ask Allah, may He be exalted, to make Islam and the Muslims prevail and to bring the Muslims back to their religion.

And Allah knows best.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
Yes it is according to the classical scholars
My point was that you should not stop them from building a church with their own money and fundraising. I never meant that our tax money, or Muslims should pay for it. You misunderstood the whole thing. Show me where it says not to allow them to build a church in Muslim lands.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
My point was that you should not stop them from building a church with their own money and fundraising. I never meant that our tax money, or Muslims should pay for it. You misunderstood the whole thing. Show me where it says not to allow them to build a church in Muslim lands.
You didn't read the Caaqidah expert Imam Al-Ashaari's quote?

Imam Abu’l-Hasan al-Ash’ari (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

Approving of kufr is kufr, and building a church in which Allah is disbelieved is kufr, because it is approving of kufr. End quote.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

Whats the difference between him and MSB who permitted italians and other christians to practice their religion but didn’t allow them to proselytise?


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms

Whats the difference between him and MSB who permitted italians and other christians to practice their religion but didn’t allow them to proselytise?
The Italians already had an established presence due to colonialiasm and he allowed them to continue their practices unabated. The churches were built in the 30s. He never allowed new churches.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
The Italians already had an established presence due to colonialiasm and he allowed them to continue their practices unabated. The churches were built in the 30s. He never allowed new churches.

That church was an ugly remnant of colonialism and should have been demolished. The reason why it wasn’t was simply due to economic & military gain. Italy trained somali police officers and gave multiple scholarships to somali students.

Somalia after independence had a close relationship with Italy even though 99% of the few italians who were here left in 1960’s fearing revenge. Destroying that church would have ended the relationship.

Hsm is trying to do the same, foster a good relationship with the west but that will never happened.
The Italians already had an established presence due to colonialiasm and he allowed them to continue their practices unabated. The churches were built in the 30s. He never allowed new churches.
You are delusional if you think churches weren’t built after 30’s. Theyre were small churches all throughout southern Somalia. Many of the Bantu communities practice Protestant religion.

He banned masjids and churches that were a threat to his rule only


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