HUGE explosion rocks Mogadishu

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As long as Shabaab holds territory, they will make those carbombs in peace.
Amisom have been present in Somalia for approx 10 years and not much has been accomplished; and al-shabab still controls a lot of territory.

Whereas, the Kurds and Iraqis are making inroads in daesh territory and are currently on the verge of liberating Mosul. There are no excuses.
Amisom have been present in Somalia for approx 10 years and not much has been accomplished; and al-shabab still controls a lot of territory.

Whereas, the Kurds and Iraqis are making inroads in daesh territory and are currently on the verge of liberating Mosul. There are no excuses.

The amisom hides behind Somali army that faces the terrorists without equipments or wages
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Everyone knows where alshabab are located. Government forces need to go on the offensive and remove them from their safe havens.

Believe or not certain people in government benefits from al shabab, they kill the anti corruption ministers and MP under name of al shabab. Check the names of ministers and MP that died lately all were against the government and HSM.
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