HUGE fight between nazi-skinheads and somalis in Finland

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It starts in 2.20 where the commentator sais "The first somali arrives to the courthouse". This happened in the 90s, it was crazy in Finland back in the days.



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
I can't imagine living and becoming a citizen of a country where people know you are a foreigner based on skin color alone. No matter what they will never be accepted as fellow Finns, there is no prospect for acceptance or a sense of belonging. I am always grateful I came to the US and not some European country.

@AbdiJohnson, can you imagine the psychology of a Somali kid born in a place like Finland?
They must live in torture!
Somalis deserve this. Somalis kill each other back in Somalia. Somalis discriminate against each other in somalia, yet they expect to bet treated with respect, love and equality by a group of people that have a completely different skin color, a group of people that does not look like them, talk like them, eat like them, live like them or think like them.
I can't imagine living and becoming a citizen of a country where people know you are a foreigner based on skin color alone. No matter what they will never be accepted as fellow Finns, there is no prospect for acceptance or a sense of belonging. I am always grateful I came to the US and not some European country.

@AbdiJohnson, can you imagine the psychology of a Somali kid born in a place like Finland?
They must live in torture!

It must be but I thought most Somalis in Finland left for the UK
Somalis deserve this. Somalis kill each other back in Somalia. Somalis discriminate against each other in somalia, yet they expect to bet treated with respect, love and equality by a group of people that have a completely different skin color, a group of people that does not look like them, talk like them, eat like them, live like them or think like them.

Your not somali are you? What's wrong with you... Why all the hate?

I am somali and i was born and raised in Finland. Most Finns are nice people, really, they wont bother you. Skinheads are losers and everyone hates them although there are no skinheads in Finland nowadays. Atleast not in the streets. Good news tho, most of those skinheads in that documentary are DEAD now.
I am somali and i was born and raised in Finland. Most Finns are nice people, really, they wont bother you. Skinheads are losers and everyone hates them although there are no skinheads in Finland nowadays. Atleast not in the streets. Good news tho, most of those skinheads in that documentary are DEAD now.

Aaaaww that's so nice you had a positive experience walal

2.40 where a skinhead piece of shit pushes a somali woman. Nacalatulaah caleyk.

This is why I say nimankeena (and our girls) need to get big and strong and learn how to defend ourselves. If anyone pulls anything on our community we need to be prepared. Often the police can be as racist as these right wing groups so it's best not to rely on them to serve any justice. These disgusting bags of scum always pick on women or men who are on their own. They are truly pathetic and have no real strength or bravery.
The 90s was a brutal time to be somali in finland. Fortunately the skin head movement has gone completely underground now :wow:
Funnily enough the skinhead look was burrowed(by white punksters) from Jamaicans who arrived in England in the 50s n 60s.

Those bomber jackets are back in fashion these days
Oh the irony of Finnish White Supremacist Skin heads trying to deem Somalis as a lower race of people :siilaanyolaugh:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Oh the irony of Finnish White Supremacist Skin heads trying to deem Somalis as a lower race of people :siilaanyolaugh:
View attachment 8928

That old race bracket gotta die though sxb. Central Africa ain't even represented and they're the closest to west Europe (another hilarious irony).

But yeah I guess overall it is pretty hilarious considering this bogus shit IS the crap they subscribe to :lolbron:
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