Huge military buildup in Mogadishu


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
His plan in case LG stays is to have his presidency stay by force. The opposition know they’d be sitting ducks if anyone took their weapons. They seem to have taken that threat seriously and have began to act.
Somali civil war part 2. Rahweyne ain’t gonna go out in famine this time
I swear to god it's too easy to devide and conquer this retarded people. The MP last week calling Rahweyn names and those deviding the people further are both agents of xabashi agenda. We're being pitted against each other while furthering their objectives. When the xabashi made their intentions clear and somalis held the Garowe meeting, Lafta told us the truth. He said "anigu albaabka ayaa la ii fadhiya" deep those words and tell me what he means.
I swear to god it's too easy to devide and conquer this retarded people. The MP last week calling Rahweyn names and those deviding the people further are both agents of xabashi agenda. We're being pitted against each other while furthering their objectives. When the xabashi made their intentions clear and somalis held the Garowe meeting, Lafta told us the truth. He said "anigu albaabka ayaa la ii fadhiya" deep those words and tell me what he means.
Finally you understand bro, ethiopians and egyptians dont even need to fight in somalia, all they gotta do is arm different oppostions and we gonna do the job for them and kill each other. Its not blind to see that somalia is heading into a potential civil war.

Egypt is arming the fgs and ethiopia is arming kgs and puntland, ethiopians dont even need to fight they got people fighting for them. Personally I dont even support Ethiopians even though reer kgs are saying they do,.

But your not Low IQ you know Laftagareen are supporting ethiopia from a place of weakness not sincerely. Today Baydhabo is surrounded in four direction by Shabaab and also we have a government that aint doing shit for us. We have no choice to support ethiopia or we finished.


Forza Somalia!
I swear to god it's too easy to devide and conquer this retarded people. The MP last week calling Rahweyn names and those deviding the people further are both agents of xabashi agenda. We're being pitted against each other while furthering their objectives. When the xabashi made their intentions clear and somalis held the Garowe meeting, Lafta told us the truth. He said "anigu albaabka ayaa la ii fadhiya" deep those words and tell me what he means.
Finally you understand bro, ethiopians and egyptians dont even need to fight in somalia, all they gotta do is arm different oppostions and we gonna do the job for them and kill each other. Its not blind to see that somalia is heading into a potential civil war.

Egypt is arming the fgs and ethiopia is arming kgs and puntland, ethiopians dont even need to fight they got people fighting for them. Personally I dont even support Ethiopians even though reer kgs are saying they do,.

But your not Low IQ you know Laftagareen are supporting ethiopia from a place of weakness not sincerely. Today Baydhabo is surrounded in four direction by Shabaab and also we have a government that aint doing shit for us. We have no choice to support ethiopia or we finished.
Understand what? I support The Federal Government Of Somalia in defending our lands from a blatant landgrab by Ethiopia. I don't support an MP or a president. I support my country to get out of the 30 years humiliation at the hands of injirleey. Egyptian support was a god send blessings when we were alone with a poorly funded military, now we have the biggest army in Africa directly supporting us in upholding our sovereignty.

We made a deal with them in August, and they've already armed us to a level that would've taken us years to get to.

Ima be honest with you, you've got the same talking points as in the xabashi forums. Is dabaleys caadiya.

1.The FG is responsible to uphold the sovereignty of our country.

2.Why would building up our capacity, in accordance with international laws to safeguard our borders risk a civil war?

3. Why is Ethiopia (still part of a UN funded ATMIS) smugling weapons to FMs?

4. When the xabashi leave SWS, what makes you think the Egyptians are not capable to safeguard Baidoa from AS? Or is Lafta scared of what happened to his opps when Farmajo used the xabashi to arrest him?

5. Xabash has been in SW for more than 10 years, how is it possible Baidoa is surrounded in 4 directions by AS?

6. You saw a couple dabodhilifs with poorly written signs and Rahanwein support Ethiopia? The biggest foot soldiers in AS is from SW. They were at the forefront in the war against xabash when they invaded, don't get it twisted they'll happily smoke that xabashi pack.
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Understand what? I support The Federal Government Of Somalia in defending our lands from a blatant landgrab by Ethiopia. I don't support an MP or a president. I support my country to get out of the 30 years humiliation at the hands of injirleey. Egyptian support was a god send blessings when we were alone with a poorly funded military, now we have the biggest army in Africa directly supporting us in upholding our sovereignty.

We made a deal with them in August, and they've already armed to a level that would've taken us years to get to.

Ima be honest with you, you've got the same talking points as in the xabashi forums. Is dabaleys caadiya.

1.The FG is responsible to uphold the sovereignty of our country.

2.Why would building up our capacity, in accordance with international laws to safeguard our borders risk a civil war?

3. Why is Ethiopia (still part of a UN funded ATMIS) smugling weapons to FMs?

4. When the xabashi leave SWS, what makes you think the Egyptians are not capable to safeguard Baidoa from AS? Or is Lafta scared of what happened to his opps when Farmajo used the xabashi to arrest him?

5. Xabash has been in SW for more than 10 years, how is it possible Baidoa is surrounded in 4 directions by AS?

6. You saw a couple dabodhilifs with poorly written signs and Rahanwein support Ethiopia? The biggest foot soldiers in AS is from SW. They were at the forefront in the war against xabash when they invaded, don't get it twisted they'll happily smoke that xabashi pack.
I honestly question the intelligence of anybody who somehow thinks eygpt giving us weapons and ethiopia taking somali land can somehow be twisted into being comparable. Even if you dislike HSM . He will eventually leave but the weapons will still be here. At the end of the day the reason I support turkish and eygptian investment and involvement in somalia. Is because no country develops by itself and these countries are far away enough to limit their influence on somalia. These deals might be unequal today but imagine where will be in the next 20 years with an army/navy/airforce who's foundations are setup today
I honestly question the intelligence of anybody who somehow thinks eygpt giving us weapons and ethiopia taking somali land can somehow be twisted into being comparable. Even if you dislike HSM . He will eventually leave but the weapons will still be here. At the end of the day the reason I support turkish and eygptian investment and involvement in somalia. Is because no country develops by itself and these countries are far away enough to limit their influence on somalia. These deals might be unequal today but imagine where will be in the next 20 years with an army/navy/airforce who's foundations are setup today
Now that you mentioned the Somali Airforce, Egypt gave Somalia the first 2 planes after our independence. Egypt was also the only country supporting Somalia in the 1964 invasion of north Somalia by Ethiopia. These people don't know their history and only repeat the fdk talking points or they are sinister xabashi mouthpieces.
Now that you mentioned the Somali Airforce, Egypt gave Somalia the first 2 planes after our independence. Egypt was also the only country supporting Somalia in the 1964 invasion of north Somalia by Ethiopia. These people don't know their history and only repeat the fdk talking points or they are sinister xabashi mouthpieces.
It's all motivated by FKD. Honestly when you combine FKD with low iq. You get people who somehow think their region could be independent and then shit on the rest of somalia. There was this tiktok I saw about a guy who knew one of these dudes who worked at a social media company and complained about the level of discourse in his country. The somali guy asked him if he could take a look at the somali social media space. The guy came back a couple days later and told him something like your somali social media people are mentally ill.
I swear to god it's too easy to devide and conquer this retarded people. The MP last week calling Rahweyn names and those deviding the people further are both agents of xabashi agenda. We're being pitted against each other while furthering their objectives. When the xabashi made their intentions clear and somalis held the Garowe meeting, Lafta told us the truth. He said "anigu albaabka ayaa la ii fadhiya" deep those words and tell me what he means.

These Somalis.. :snoop:
All this drama could have been avoided if HSM had simply focused on building a cohesive and strong SNA. No one not even Ethiopia will be able to question Somali troops resuming security duties in SW as these are federal troops from the government instead of inviting Ethiopia's enemies to replace them.

Not to say I'm against Egypt's support but we basically gave Ethiopia a reason to moan and bark threats towards Somalia as a result of HSM's failure to create a strong SNA.

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Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
hopefully some change thats the most peaceful and no damage occurs that results in a complete regime change of somalia to a more competent dowlad with actual vision and power

All this drama could have been avoided if HSM had simply focused on building a cohesive and strong SNA. No one not even Ethiopia will be able to question Somali troops resuming security duties in SW as these are federal troops from the government instead of inviting Ethiopia's enemies to replace them.

Not to say I'm against Egypt's support but we basically gave Ethiopia a reason to moan and bark threats towards Somalia as a result of HSM's failure to create a strong SNA.

If a strong SNA would be formed, they would realize how incompetent the government and they would, without a doubt they WOULD overthrow the government in order to make actual progress and governance. Thats why siad did it, cause he was frustrated of the previous governments incompetence. Every presidents reason is that, they want to be supported by foreign docile troops and be flooded with aid so they dont do shi


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Finally you understand bro, ethiopians and egyptians dont even need to fight in somalia, all they gotta do is arm different oppostions and we gonna do the job for them and kill each other. Its not blind to see that somalia is heading into a potential civil war.

Egypt is arming the fgs and ethiopia is arming kgs and puntland, ethiopians dont even need to fight they got people fighting for them. Personally I dont even support Ethiopians even though reer kgs are saying they do,.

But your not Low IQ you know Laftagareen are supporting ethiopia from a place of weakness not sincerely. Today Baydhabo is surrounded in four direction by Shabaab and also we have a government that aint doing shit for us. We have no choice to support ethiopia or we finished.
I highly doubt any internal fight will happen, the Western backers of the FGS will pull HSM collar back, until we leave this limbo and get 1m1v this government will not progress.

