I’m almost a diplomat

What is the most deductive strategy in deflating .Et's assailant, if dubious assault on .So both on the home front, and on the international theatre?
The most deductive strategy is to gather intelligence, expose the assailant's motives, and use diplomatic pressure to isolate them. Strengthen defenses at home and challenge the assailant's narrative internationally. Finally, offer a path to de-escalate the conflict without further aggression.
Rather costly, if highly improbable in the immediate for a poor nation with its coffers bare. Any other strategy?
A more feasible strategy would focus on diplomacy, forming alliances, and leveraging international support, rather than costly direct action. Additionally, investing in intelligence and soft power can provide strategic advantages without significant financial strain.
Well if your telling the truth power to you anyways 🫡 What would your work load consist of?
As a diplomat trainee in Norway, my workload would include learning to build relationships with local officials, observing meetings on trade and policy, assisting with negotiations, and reporting on Norway's political and economic landscape. I’d also support events and help fellow citizens with their needs abroad.
I am still on the home front. Any other strategies?
focus on capacities building to strengthen local institutions for stability, engage in public diplomacy through cultural exchanges to build goodwill, seek economic partnerships for mutually beneficial trade agreements, develop crisis management plans for quick responses to unforeseen events, and leverage technology for effective outreach and communication.
focus on capacities building to strengthen local institutions for stability, engage in public diplomacy through cultural exchanges to build goodwill, seek economic partnerships for mutually beneficial trade agreements, develop crisis management plans for quick responses to unforeseen events, and leverage technology for effective outreach and communication.
Would you consider:
  • Studying the enemy; what do we know about .Et?
    • Would you consider planting ethnic embers inside its borders?
    • Arming its nemesis?
      • Letting its number one foe on the loose?
    • Offering bases to its opposition?
  • Mobalising the public in all Somali territories incl. S Galbeed and NFD to the point of their signing from the same hymn, and repeating the same soundbites; .Et could never defeat a Somali nation in harmony, esp. now it is at its weakest with wars ravaging from its inside.