I Am A Puntland Patriot First Politics Second


I have always stood by the principle patriot first, politics and interests are secondary. I don't share the same politics with many puntites on various matters, politics don't unite people it's not even intended too and that's why you need to state craft a system and set of rules and agreements where people are free to exercise their politics without any harm. I've always put my patriotism of PL as my first duty, my love of my ancestral homeland basically trumps politics and interests for me.

This doesn't mean I don't hold strong political positions such as federalism but I also don't needlessly hold onto one set of views in the event it isn't working, I've always got plan B or C like hybrid federation which is a two system one nation model like China Hong Kong, Confederation, etc I'm totally flexible if my politics isn't producing the desired result.

I hold onto fundamental liberal values such as freedom, equality and justice because I've noticed those are the ingredients of a successful society not necessarily their politics or system. I hold onto state building principles such as build from the bottom up not top down. I hold onto institutional power of offices not people. I believe in fiscal responsibility because this is other people money whether its taxes or aid and their must be budgets spent on essentials vs non essentials philosophy not dependent on politicians of the day.

I believe in a foreign policy realism either choose to go to bed with china or the west, don't sit it out undecided or god forbid travel to the mid east who itself has made its decision. I believe the west is the best for now and the foreseeable future, but we must demand we want to be allies and what needs to be done on our part to achieve that level of relationship not just partners which means interests which is the lowest form of state to state relationship because your expendable.

We must be also practical the west control the world thru their IMF banks which can stop your nation building loans, they have instruments to apply sanctions at any business globally or even nation state embargos as we see with Iran or North Korea, they can use military either directly or indirectly thru proxies, they can unleash their business class to determine your elections thru donors and no country can withstand their financial capacity.

I believe we need to develop our own weapons not rely on military trade or aid if we truly cherish our independence, especially the ones that really count which is nuclear and seek knowledge transfers thru Iran or Pakistan or anyone who can give us the blue print, processing, storage, and deployment.

These are my fundamental political positions which are strong but not to strong to the point of arrogance but flexible with back up options depending on the outcomes and return on investment, but first and foremost I'm a patriot and will always be, siyasad is secondary to me Iyo Dano shaksi is well right at the bottom because an individual is nothing in this world if his team or ppl are weak.


So this is a warning to all the idiots who think just because I don't share lots of views with puntites this will lead to conflict love of my region supercedes my politics never forget that.


I'm not undermining China who has an impressive belt n road market emerging, BRICS alliance, development banks but they need to get rid of America in it's region as their under siege conditions with America strategically placed in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and even Australia. They got alot of influence on hong Kong which can cause another hell for them.

But if they can pass those obstacles and unify Asia or at least far east and south east that will be big accomplishment but I doubt that's happening in this century. The other thing I am not sure if is their financial capacity and how much is really owned by foreign investors who will pull out their funds in the event of a conflict. China also doesn't do alliance only partnerships which means interests and I've explained how in foreign world lingo that's the lowest form of a relationship.


The only time I'll entertain Russia again is they give us blue print on material, processing, storage, and deployment knowledge transfers, those clowns lost their empire without even a single bullet fired from America but strategical penetrations and uprisings across its dominion.

As puntites we r repeating the mistakes of the past relying on aid or trade in security and we saw what happens when those lifelines disappear, U need knowledge transfers not only in security but over all economy. It's sad ppl don't learn from history and repeat it.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
need knowledge transfers not only in security but over all economy. It's sad ppl don't learn from history and repeat it.
Defense industry starts from the ground up, u must learn how to manufacture bullets and guns before u learn how to manufacture apcs and tanks. Otherwise u will always be reliant on imports that can be intercepted case in point < Yemen arms interceptions > by US navy.

