I am an asset sxb put some respek.

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When this forum was created, the idea of this site being the best Somali platform on the net was to be unprecedented in the history of Somali blogs. Who is responsible for this enjoyment you're experiencing on here? ME. I am the one who made this place popular, I am the reason why there is a growing amount of people registering to this site.

I have had people read my comments and say "waaara who is this young Somali man blogging so freely with confidence?" That's right I live free, I am free but that shortly came to halt.

The reason why I left in the first place was because some of the mods were into alternatives. Some of the mods participated in transgender lifestyle. I exposed them not that I wanted to harm them or tarnish their name. But I exposed them so that we can embrace their choice of lifestyle and look to it as a sign of forward liberal thinking for the Somali community. Here I am again, ive come back, trying to get to the zenith.
Put some respek on my name, I AINT GONE SAY NO MO, got no mo talkin, Yall finished or Yall done?

- Wally aka Kembe aka "I'm 25% Isaac bro" aka HOW CAN SHE SLAP!?! aka Half & Half like Abdualhi Yusuf


Your superior
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