I am Part Noble Yet Part Savage

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I just thought about this due to @TheMadMullah asking me about my aboriginality. Yes I am part aborigine and that's why I say to beat an aborigine you need to know an aborigine.

I am part noble(kingdom and osman mahmoud) yet Part savage(aboriginality clans and hawiye) so it's best you leave to us these type of people because I know how deal with hawiye/isaaq because the royalty of puntland doesn't understand how to work with aborigines, you need to be one of them to understand them, I am part of them and know them very well and how they think.

This sort of guy simply doesn't work with aborigines


This sort of guy is what works


His part aborigine also(dir). Notice how successful he was? it's because the aborigine blood was running in his vein and he understood them like they know themselves, we need part aborigine presidential candidates in Puntland, we are viciously anti aboriginal in comparison to pure majerteens.

I hope PL opens up the presidency to someone with hawiye family members or isaaq family members as they will be exposed to know how they think since being surrounded by them and they will understand also their serious inferiority complex for your clan and it's glorious history. But being part aborigine regardless of what aboriginal tribe they are from(rahanwayn, dir, isaaq) it don't matter because you will always be just as violent and savage like as them because the aboriginal blood is in your veins also yet you will use all that aboriginality in u to deliver a massive defeat on them for your noble heritage(darod)
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Some Osman mahmoud are part bantu they are usually the weakest of all and must never be selected for presidency of puntland, bantu are very peaceful type of people. I am part aborigine osman mahmoud and I am warrior like also and believe in military principles against aborigines, after-all they were called 'berbera' barbarians for god sakes. All they knew was 'eat, drink, f*ck, and wars' they never knew civilization and creating monuments and infrastructure.

We must hold a shir beeleed and push the osman mahmoud out who are part bantu from the leadership of the clan and pass it to osman mahmoud who are part aboriginal(irir samaale). Forget the osman mahmoud who just marry among darod, they will just be as weak and do not understand the aboriginal dynamics very well of aborigines. A barbarian is one who doesn't know civilization, they only know wars and fighting and you must elect someone who has berber blood lines.


How are Dir aborigines? :wtfdis:

An aborigine is just someone with no civilization, they don't know how to build and construct(68 iq), that's all, all they have to show for themselves in their land and history is wars because that is barbarbian culture and we need people of all darod clans who have barbarian genetics thru family to be elected into leadership and not 'iska dhal' types or pure darod types.
An aborigine is just someone with no civilization, they don't know how to build and construct(68 iq), that's all, their known as barbarians and we need people of all darod clans who have barbarian genetics thru family to be elected into leadership and not 'iska dhal' types or pure darod types.
:gucciwhat: Somali waa Dir iyo Darod dafuq you on about bruh. Dir iyo Darod yaa ka dowladsan out of Somali?


:gucciwhat: Somali waa Dir iyo Darod dafuq you on about bruh. Dir iyo Darod yaa ka dowladsan out of Somali?

Dir never had a civilization, let's be real, they were barbarian tribes also. There is nothing they can show you from their so called 'glorious' empires because there was none, they were busy chasing each other like wild men and vikings and destroying everything that civilized clans built up(primarily darod). I understand aboriginal dynamics, maybe u don't. When they speak of history, they only speak about 'siyad iyo somalia' they had nothing before then or else they would teach me my reer abti ma garatay?
Dir never had a civilization, let's be real, they were barbarian tribes also. There is nothing they can show you from their so called 'glorious' empires because there was none, they were busy chasing each other like wild men and vikings and destroying everything that civilized clans built up(primarily darod). I understand aboriginal dynamics, maybe u don't. When they speak of history, they only speak about 'siyad iyo somalia' they had nothing before then or else they would teach me my reer abti ma garatay?
Dir are civilized dr, they had adal kingdom and darood also married a dir.


Dir are civilized dr, they had adal kingdom and darood also married a dir.

They were at par with bantu farmers at best those samaroons in awdal, it was the environment and settling in farming that made them peaceful like bantus are, it's got nothing to do with civilization, they had none bruv, I looked into it. There is nothing in Awdal to show for it other then being peaceful which the bantu are similar, but doesn't mean they had a civilization. But at least their better then aborigines yes cause their uncivilized and at the same time 'warlike' and destruction orientated.

So the lowest IQ is the one who just fucking destroys everything I guess. Followed by peaceful farmers who settled and not much of an obstacle.


Dir are civilized dr, they had adal kingdom and darood also married a dir.

They were at par with bantu farmers at best those samaroons in awdal, it was the environment and settling in farming that made them peaceful like bantus are, it's got nothing to do with civilization, they had none bruv, I looked into it. There is nothing in Awdal to show for it other then being peaceful which the bantu are similar, but doesn't mean they had a civilization. But at least their better then aborigines yes cause their uncivilized and at the same time 'warlike' and destruction orientated.

So the lowest IQ is the one who just fucking destroys everything I guess. Followed by peaceful farmers who settled and not much of an obstacle but it's no fuckin rome either kkkk


@GBTarmy I reject the adal sultanates was ever Dir, if it was they would've clearly declared they were 'dir and abtirsi' but they never did especially the rulers of the place. An earlier people lived there who were not Dir is my explanation because if it was DIR, they would've had information about their lineage and all somalis would've also known about it which there is no records of it in any oral traditions. Their making up history, they moved in after the original inhabitants left the place or the nomadic warlike dir barbarian like killed them off.
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The other explanation the Adal empire was located far into Harar which makes sense ruled by hararis and these dir peasants gave 'bayah' or allegiance to it, they were subjects of harar runti, it was never run by their clans at all, their liars and I am historian who clearly looks for evidence of anyone claiming any empire or sultanate. Harar has remnants to show for it and proof it was the center of Adal empire. But they were clearly uncivilized for at least 300 years at least prior to the europeans arriving and they gave 'bayah' to them, waa xoolo nimankasi dir abbe wasoyinku. Ninka uu yimado ayay iska racan waa garac garac dhalay ah. When europeans came to us, they recognized our sultanates and history as civilized. You don't get a road in italy named after your empire for nothing. I don't see via dir or via isaaq road in england or france, waa subjects oo xoolo ah to another empire. Ma aniga subject ii noqdan oo somali ah oo empire haysto.

Who-ever ran the empire would locate their empire in their tribal territory as headquarters and expand out to uncivilized tribes in the vicinity which obviously DIR was one of. Similar story happened in bari as it expanded out to dhusomareeb but the empire was always located in majertenia.
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@GBTarmy 1 thing I give u credit for, you have the balls and fortitude to come in and talk history. The reason is your majerten, it's your history also. But these other clans won't ever do that, they will get exposed that they were 'naked savage like' and eventually subjects of either ADAL in Harar or British in London Turkey in Berbera or Italy or Oman in the case of Hamar. Everyone was sharing these motherfuckers asses and I have no respect for them and never will untill they demonstrate to me where there is remnants of an empire in their lands.

None can show u except the 'banadiri' of old hamar not even the abgaal side of hamar is there any civilization yet them abgaal niggas on here come and claim some 'yaqoub' empire. They are also not noted in any streets of italy as via abgaal or via mogadishu, only via majertenia. Somalis need to accept this kingdom in the east untill that happens peace is not possible. Because the even gaal accepted it waryaa. Look at the street via tripoli, via asmara, we are the same level, an ethnicity majerteni and kingdom at the same time.


It's located in Italian 'government' streets or kingdoms of the past, they recognize noone else in Somalia as a kingdom but us. You won't ever see isaaq in london street, they were considered slaves and subjects not equals or empire like. Pure barbarian savage running around sniffing ass and not building anything for the white man to respect him. Till this day he is subject to the queen why not be subject to boqor osman and your own kingdom. Some of them are getting better and recognizing boqor osman as the king of somalis as they came for the crowning of boqor burhan. Only hawiye in attendance was imam abgaal.

They prefer to be under other gaal kingdoms and not their own somali kingdom because he is majerten, bal waxasi dad miyaa mise xoolo?


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
Keep boasting about osman mohamoud, you are the only ones in mj that claim bantu while no1 else does. Have you forgotten about how you got the king title? Without us you wouldn’t have had that title.


Keep boasting about osman mohamoud, you are the only ones in mj that claim bantu while no1 else does. Have you forgotten about how you got the king title? Without us you wouldn’t have had that title.

We were a kingdom. We had bantu slaves and we also had aboriginal slaves(keenadid empire). We married them yes. I am half aborigine murusade that is lower then bantu who at least don't destroy and run around war like and never built a center of learning and civilization. At least the bantu is a farmer waryaa, he aint destroying shit. The lowest in IQ is a barbarian in all western gradings. It doesn't get lower then irir samale sxb, just check 'berbera' named after barbarians. 68 IQ. To be named a berber is the worst offence and lowest of all humanity sxb, it means not only do u 'not produce anything' like farm you just run around killing and destroying and looting. Your below a bantu sxb in the human scaling.


Keep boasting about osman mohamoud, you are the only ones in mj that claim bantu while no1 else does. Have you forgotten about how you got the king title? Without us you wouldn’t have had that title.

Osman Mahmoud are composed like this. 70% marry other osman mahmoud or darods that live in their area. Then 20% married into aboriginals(keenadiid era and also somalia govt era) which is how I came. Then a very small portion marry bantu slaves they had 10% from their kingdom era in bari. That's how it is sxb. I am considered the lowest because they point to the half bantu osman mahmoud and say at least his half side doesn't 'destroy' stuff like your 'half side' from keenadiid era and the aborigines u married into.

I am considered at the bottom of the royalty scale due to my blood being 'tainted' by aboriginal tribes(irir samale). I reiterate an aborigine is simply one without a civilization so he just creates 'attachments' to civilization like some attach to adal, some to yacqoub, others attach to being 'arab' like the isaaq, he has nothing to boast about from his own history that's all an aborigine is. Wuxu ahaa dad qaawan mana ka hadli karo wuu isnacaya iyo awoowayashisa ma garatay.


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
Aawe was put into the throne because of his older brother (wabeeneeye), he loved him so much that he killed his other brother (half-brother) when he opposed.

You guys have to thank us whenever you mention boqortooyo


Make Hobyo Great Again
I too, possess Aborigine ancestry, albeit further up my lineage than yours. As you said, Aborigine ancestry has its perks, especially when you find yourself in a pinch.


I too, possess Aborigine ancestry, albeit further up my lineage than yours. As you said, Aborigine ancestry has its perks, especially when you find yourself in a pinch.

The further the aboriginality is the more the savagery weakens but it's always there when 'triggered' by environmental pressures kkkk
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