I can’t wait to move out

Many of the problem stems from living in bad neighbourhoods. And the kids having too much time on hand. Even if they finish Duqsi. Asians put their kids into afterschool tutoring. I also use to get tutored 3x/wk. Through 6.th grade >>> HS


Plotting world domination
Madow parents hit their kids. Yet they still act out on public. Asians do aswell but their kids become obedient. Dont lash out. There has to be middle road to everything. I wouldn’t raise any kids in the west.

The difference within these communities are the parents.

Asian parents dont just beat their children. They force them to take school seriously and raise them into becoming academic weapons. By the time these kids are 13 they know for a fact they can live a great life if they maintain a clean record and finish school.

Ghetto Madows statistically aren't really raising that many successful black kids. The ones that turn out fine leave the hood and raise successful black kids in the suburbs.

Leaving the west is dumb. You don't see any other highly successful minorities preaching about moving back to the motherland anytime soon.


Plotting world domination
Its bad parenting from Somali families. Because you got noticable amount of Somali gangs/roadmen. There has to be an third option. Since it doesn’t seem like beating helps with some of these kids.

Unpopular third option:

Normalize shaming unfit Somali parents.

Illiterate Somali parents have produced horrible kids. In the west the best children come from two parent, educated, middle class households.

I even know a few that parents that came here as teens in the 90s that ended up having kids while being poor. Their kids ended up spending most of their childhood in a low income household in the ghetto.

Shit like this is how people can get stuck in an endless cycle of generational poverty @The truth seeker
The uni is in a completely different city and accommodation is provided by university AND I have saved up money. Obviously I’m going to have to move out dummy tf would I stay for 😭
Have you applied for university scholarships? Otherwise you’re going to end up way overpaying your loans for the next 30 years.
If you have the finances move out, I highly recommend it. Wish I did it sooner. I stayed at home during uni and I kind of regret it looking back, bc I stayed way too long in a bad home situation.

Its amazing how much better the relationship with your family gets when you have your own space and not constantly getting dhiig karka from them lol
I'd do pretty much anything to be able to do what I do while also sharing a home with my family. I hate living alone for 10 months out of the year man, it makes me such a bitter person.

