A TRUMP SUPPORTER ONCE TOLD ME SOMALIAS THE WORST COUNTRY ON THE PLANET ILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM FOR SAYING THAT!Via CNN...I also hate CBS and ABC I get triggred whenever that feminist show The view comes on I mute it
PLENTY OF SOMALIS DO THIS TOOThe ones on the left are the lock the car door/ cross to the other side of the street whenever they see the “blacks”.
So your answer is to vote against your own interests?Whites on the left benefit from white privilege and institutional racism they think it’s okay as long as the public doesn’t know about it.
So much ignorance in one comment, subxanaka yaa cadimI’m voting for trump too. The radical left and it’s ultra LGBT agenda are too much for me. Plus don’t fool yourself the left is just as much racist as the right. Institutional racism is an agreed upon theory by the whites in the left and the whites in the right, only the whites in the right are more upfront about their racism. The ones on the left are the lock the car door/ cross to the other side of the street whenever they see the “blacks”. Whites on the left benefit from white privilege and institutional racism they think it’s okay as long as the public doesn’t know about it.
So your answer is to vote against your own interests?
So much ignorance in one comment, subxanaka yaa cadim
you’re gonna vote for a guy that literally hates you and your women?
i know that the LGBT agenda is wrong but is that my problem? no.
therefore it’s not gonna change my beliefs on how the economy should be set up
lol the democratic party is first a messWhy are you bringing up the economy ? You know it’s ultra capitalist right and no right wing or lefty person is going to change that because it’s tilted in favor of the white man. This systems not set up for us. The sooner you realize left and right are two sides of the same coin the sooner you can make better political choices
lol the democratic party is first a mess
it’s literally mainly a bunch of conservatives covered up to be moderate
bernie isn’t that way cause he’s a literal socialist, a democratic one
except i hate warren and her extra ass anyway
bernie was a forefront runner in the civil rights movement and got arrested multiple times for itLiberalism isn’t a thing in America that’s why you think the democrat party is just a bunch of conservatives. You will not find qashin Euro type liberalism in America. The “liberal” party in America is more right wing than liberals in Europe and that’s fine.
Bernie is a nacas and he might be an even better liar than Obama kkk
Ironic how you mention critical thinking but then imdiedietly engage in conspiracy theories "Institutional racism is an agreed upon theory by the whites in the left and the whites in the right"you need better critical thinking skills sxb.