I don’t like Somali women

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Samaalic Era

Rich you saying bastards when the trophy for single motherhood in the UK is taken by Somali hooyos, so who are the real bastards. Plus, obviously most somali girls will go for somali men, and vice versa, but there are millions of us and therefore bound to be some that dont. That doesnt mean you attack and vilify them (well the women cause its obvious nimanka can do what they want), cause thats just dumb and ignorant

Why the need to bash Somali families who difficulty adapting to a new environment and comparing that to the dumb choices of self hating women who are desperate for any ajnabi, regardless of his background.:farole:

Your true colors are showing:siilaanyosmile:
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in that case youre shaqo la'aan then :ftw9nwa:. at this time on a weekday if youre not in : education, work or ill, youre must likely a bum, according to trusted statistics :manny:
dw i got my goals and clear sense of direction in life.

your just mad cause i shamed you with that whole bristol child sex ring situation


What have Somali women ever done to you? They are lovely people.

But you’re more than welcome to opt out and go for a foreigner.
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dw i got my goals and ambitions and clear goals and sense of direction in life.

your just mad af cause i shamed you with that whole bristol child sex ring situation. dont feel bad sis not ur fault

waa kaftan. nothing serious, you do you. inshallah you prosper and become somali excellence :2tjlv3e:
Why the need to bash Somali families who difficulty adapting to a new environment and comparing that to the dumb choices of self hating women who are desperate for any ajnabi, regardless of his background.:farole:

Your colors are showing:siilaanyosmile:

dont turn this into a somali family thing when its the men causing the problems :ftw9nwa:. allow the bullshit sob story too about adapting to a new environment. somali hooyos can go above and beyond to care for their kids regardless of circumstance, but the niman congregate at marfashes like lowlifes chewing khat like no tomorrow because they refuse to adapt to new surroundings, even though everyone else can ?? maybe you guys have more in common with the madows you like to slander, cause if islam wasnt a thing, somalis would surpass them in baby mama count. :ftw9nwa:


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
You got a thing for submission ay?
I can smell your pugnant cries for pussy. The only loop that you know of is the one your mistress chains you with around your neck as you succumb to her.

You kinky fellar, you’re the type to indulge in golden showers- however your lavish lifestyle has enabled you to pay a handful of s who then stand shoulder width and let it hail you.

Mise waxa tahay,

the type with no integrity and morals so u eat the peoples charity money to ‘rebuild back home’ and use that money to pay of high class escorts to fulfill your stool fetishes.

Sexual frustration written all over ur post and on your belt but u can’t read it tuug caloolweyn
Are you ok?

Samaalic Era

dont turn this into a somali family thing when its the men causing the problems :ftw9nwa:. allow the bullshit sob story too about adapting to a new environment. somali hooyos can go above and beyond to care for their kids regardless of circumstance, but the niman congregate at marfashes like lowlifes chewing khat like no tomorrow because they refuse to adapt to new surroundings, even though everyone else can ?? maybe you guys have more in common with the madows you like to slander, cause if islam wasnt a thing, somalis would surpass them in baby mama count. :ftw9nwa:

There must be a correlation between self hate/low iq and usernames with the name Arawelo:farmajoyaab:
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Lol, I don't get these gender war threads; I'm pretty certain 99% of you are going to marry within the Somali race, and 75% of you will marry within your own qabyaalad. Who do you think y'all are fooling? :umwhat:
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:dead:You can tell something is wrong when bed time stories become a historical fact for them

Horta, how did she even become a feminist icon in the Somali community?? Every single xalimo and some faraaxs actually look up to this chick. My grandmother would always tell me stories about her, but never in a positive light. She would be honest and tell me about how ugly and fat Caraweelo was and how douche-y she behaved to everybody around her (specifically to the men). She was never a "feminist" but a sociopathic monster--not too much different from the witch Dhegdheer.
I don't trust any chick who names herself after that crazy, balls-cutting "queen" :browtf:

Im ngl i did it to troll . :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa: i dont even know who she is like that, i just know its a somali feminists jesus so why not ??? its like someone calling themselves hitler, or bin laden as a joke. I got the inspo from some tweet where somone said if someones got araweelo in their bio or name theyre most likely a lgbt athiest who is on a war against men.
Horta, how did she even become a feminist icon in the Somali community?? Every single xalimo and some faraaxs actually look up to this chick. My grandmother would always tell me stories about her, but never in a positive light. She would be honest and tell me about how ugly and fat Caraweelo was and how douche-y she behaved to everybody around her (specifically to the men). She was never a "feminist" but a sociopathic monster--not too much different from the witch Dhegdheer.

They spread fake news about Caraweelo and her seem like she was an effective and benevolent ruler and feminist hero. They entirely removed the description of her as a tyrant ruler.

Only part that shocks is me is that they seem to think that Somali women are unironically superior leaders and that if niggas stepped aside we would be conquering space n sheeeit. I have seen that crazy atheist girl on twitter cite caraweelo as a source. Don't get me wrong, I definitely agree that the single demgraphic that sacrificed the most for others is by a long shot the Somali mothers that ended up in the West. But it ain't hereditary like that. Twitter folks are basically gender Afro-centrists

Samaalic Era

They spread fake news about Caraweelo and her seem like she was an effective and benevolent ruler and feminist hero. They entirely removed the description of her as a tyrant ruler.

Only part that shocks is me is that they seem to think that Somali women are unironically superior leaders and that if niggas stepped aside we would be conquering space n sheeeit. I have seen that crazy atheist girl on twitter cite caraweelo as a source. Don't get me wrong, I definitely agree that the single demgraphic that sacrificed the most for others is by a long shot the Somali mothers that ended up in the West. But it ain't hereditary like that. Twitter folks are basically gender Afro-centrists
Sxb, caraweelo never existed. Its just a story like Aladdin. Only recently are people trying to make it a real historical figure:mjlaugh:
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Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Isn't caraweelo that syco pagan who used to hang ancestoral Abdi's by there manhood? I don't get why people would ever look up to that. Reverse it the other way around and imagine Abdi's looking up to a syco pagan guy who hanged women by the tities. We would look like sycophants.:siilaanyolaugh:
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