I don't believe there is such thing as a Somali community in the west

Does anyone else agree? I don't think we are as strongly tightknit as other communities. I also don't think we have as much naxariis for each other. I felt the deep connection only happened in school but after becoming 18, it's no longer there and the connection is with your family and friends.
I see what you talking about. I don’t even see a lot of friendship connections after school. It’s mostly family

I have a dozen or so "friends" but I talk to most of them once a year and a few of them a few times a month and one once a week. I want to think it's the way of life in the west but other communities seem closer


Let him cook
west is 24/7 hustle especially America people chasing all mighty dollar. Folks barely able to make it to jummah so sometimes feel like isolation.

there is community though anytime whether it’s strikes due to bad working conditions. Family having issues and fundraising, or voting in politicians Minneapolis at least seems to have strong community. We also have lots of Somalis business and malls which exist because of community supprt and purchasing from them vs cadaan supermarkets
Does anyone else agree? I don't think we are as strongly tightknit as other communities. I also don't think we have as much naxariis for each other. I felt the deep connection only happened in school but after becoming 18, it's no longer there and the connection is with your family and friends.
You are not a child anymore this happens everywhere
Welcome to the adult life lol never understand how people have time for so called "community" boy I have bills to pay


For US colonization of Somalia|Trudeau4Prison
Staff Member
Lol @ community. The world is a very cold place and Somalis are even colder. Even most people who care about you only do so conditionally.
I disagree that there is no Somali community in the West. Coming from someone who lives in a city where there are a few Somali people, I can tell you that we Somalis are a community. We invite each other to weddings, celebrations, etc. However, everyone is busy trying to earn money, so you will not often see working adults, especially young men and women.

One place where you will see our community alive and in contact is mosques, especially if your mosque invites Somali sheikhs who preach in Somali language. Every weekend, most Somalis come and pray together. I have met a lot of my current friends through volunteering and being active in the mosque. I personally know people who met at the mosque and got married.

The Somali community does exist; if it didn't, there wouldn't be Somali stores. Overall, I hope our community celebrates things that bring us together and keeps the politics from back home out of it. The politics from back home are damaging for the formation of strong tight community here in the USA.


general of ciidamada sida raha ubooda
I also don't think we have as much naxariis for each other
saxib, this is generally not true. My family is called often to collect money for different causes (to help a person get an operation, help a family that newly arrived from home, etc), and this isnt specific to just my family. The only thing we are good at in the west is helping each other. If anything happens to a somali in my city, all the somalis chip in to help (this is called "qaaraan"). I think them having no naxariis is just a problem maybe specific to your city?

