do you believe me if i tell you that i was one of the first humans one this planet ? as all so first one tho write and teach people writing and many things? i teach them agricultural and science,arts and many many thing? i have being there and done that :D there were many civilizations before 10000 bc when people started to "learn writing down their history" there were superior civilizations before 10000 bc and some civilizations were so great that they have civilizations that were type 1 in Kardashev scale. but sadly they were destroyedi and my folks were all so was amongst first who engineered and that build the Mesopotamian,Egyptians,Greek civilizations and as all so many parts of this world..were was civilizations i was there i know who build the great giza pyramids and i myself was first who teach people engineerings :D i haved this God gived hyper mind or "universal mind" that was nearly omniscience..soon i will have that all informations that i have learned and will have new ones ;D