I Have Terrible Vision That Keep Repeating Itself

Hello Somalis, I need some personal advice regarding my terrible visions for myself. I keep imagining I will be among the 'many' in my slice of history and disregarded and turned to 'dust', I see the dust everyday and it keeps reminding me that's what you will be 'disregarded and dishonored and never remembered' by the future world. I say this becuz when u look at history, only a 'few' names survive and are remembered(alexander the great, royal families, philosophers, religious founders) but the many who lived in their time are not remembered and just converted to 'dust'.

This keeps nagging at me and why I love to study n watch history to find out the qualities of great people that are remembered. My logic dictates if people don't remember u, u were useless and did nothing for them to remember and therefore why would 'god' care for u when no-one else does. So what are the 'traits' of great people, let's list them down and see how we can emulate those traits in our lives.

1. Strong will people is one trait I see, they will get up and fall n get up n fall and never lose hope. Anyone with this trait, please share your wisdom as I lack it alot. I have great vision n planning skills but my 'fuel tank is always empty'. I believe if I combine these two traits, It will lead to positive outcomes.

2. Legacy. I noticed ppl want to leave a legacy in what-ever their field or interes is so at least their honored that way. I noticed rich ppl do lots of philantrophy for that reason, not many rich ppl r remembered for being rich alone. Even normal ppl try to do charity for that reason in the event someone is successful from it and honors them.

3. Diplomacy. I noticed this is another 'art' how to manuevre among different personalities with different goals in society and still achieve whatever your goal was.

4. Coaching/Mentoring. Some ppl pass on their wisdom in the hope others make it and thru that gets remembered.
Think about the people you have longest in your life. What value do they add or not? Some might have mattered some times but other times not in the least. So it's about adaptation which you lack it seems so build a foundation with someone you know truly adds value in ur life. It's hard to find without your own self-interest. So to build on your own self-interest invest in elemental vitamins such as zinc! Please this changed my life and helped me understand who adds value my life. I took it and it was clear my father rather than all my family members truly added value and I was truly living and experiencing new things.

So number one. Elemental vitamins. Zinc sulphate. Specific brand is TIENS Kardi Forte with zinc and Iron. Its also krill oil which tastes gross so I lick the outside pill (the red skin containing zinc sulphate and Iron, inside is krill which isn't that important to me).

This is what I'd tell myself if I posted like you. 👍


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