I Love Former Hirshabelle President


This dude is real dhab somalinimo, he is telling people save yourselves and go your own way because hawiye isn't ready for nation, I would say the same damn thing to my own jifi if they were holding all Somali back, why wouldn't I wish other somalis the best? It would help my clan recover in the long run when they see better examples, I see it as a lifeline not as a loss and me and this dude have the same mentality if we can't save all Somalia well let's save what we can and thru the ones we do save they will come back later to save the lost ones that is my motto and my belief till the grave.

It's not fair all Somalis have to suffer because one city isn't ready to move on to better days, I say leave them behind to their own devices.

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I would love to meet waare when I hear real somalinimo I don't abuse ppl, I just don't swallow the public sweet words type of somali and decades of hellish actions lol I don't have time for those types I call em ma tashadayaal who r trying to bring me down.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
This dude is real dhab somalinimo, he is telling people save yourselves and go your own way because hawiye isn't ready for nation, I would say the same damn thing to my own jifi if they were holding all Somali back, why wouldn't I wish other somalis the best? It would help my clan recover in the long run when they see better examples, I see it as a lifeline not as a loss and me and this dude have the same mentality if we can't save all Somalia well let's save what we can and thru the ones we do save they will come back later to save the lost ones that is my motto and my belief till the grave.

It's not fair all Somalis have to suffer because one city isn't ready to move on to better days, I say leave them behind to their own devices.

If u love him merry him 😂😂
This dude is real dhab somalinimo, he is telling people save yourselves and go your own way because hawiye isn't ready for nation, I would say the same damn thing to my own jifi if they were holding all Somali back, why wouldn't I wish other somalis the best? It would help my clan recover in the long run when they see better examples, I see it as a lifeline not as a loss and me and this dude have the same mentality if we can't save all Somalia well let's save what we can and thru the ones we do save they will come back later to save the lost ones that is my motto and my belief till the grave.

It's not fair all Somalis have to suffer because one city isn't ready to move on to better days, I say leave them behind to their own devices.

Don't fall for it, HSM was the same way when he needed PL political power back in 2020-2021. None of them can be trusted. If we can't trust our own like Xaange or Sanyare to backstab us forget someone from Hirshabelle.
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