I Love Jibril Qoobey News



Faallo:-Cali Xoosh oo ku xadgudbay Dastuurka iyo Nidaamka Fadaraalka​


Posted By: Jibril Qoobey. September 20, 2024

Cali Xoosh markaad hadalkiisa qiimaysid,waxaa kusoo baxaya in uusan fahansanayn,waxa uu ka hadlayo iyo khaladka uu ka galayo nidaamka iyo Dastuurka Fadaraalka ee Wadanka.

Waxaa kaloo kuu muuqanaysa ujeedkiisu kaliya in uu ÿahay Xasan raaligeli si aad Kursiga ugu sii fadhido.
Waxaa cajiib ah Shaqo gaaban oo uu og yahay Mar ay noqotoba in laga qaadayo in uu Taariikhdiisa uwasakheeyo.
Maxay tahay baahida haysa hadii uu lumiyo Shaqadan?

Miyuusan ogayn,isagoo ilaalinaya Dastuurka iyo Qiyamka oo iska diida in uu Qof qanciyo in ay uga Sharaf iyo karaamo weyn tahay Shaqo bahdilan in uu sii haysto?

Ninkaas,ayaa raba in uu la tartamo Deni oo aan barbar dhigno.

Halkan ka daawo muuqaalka


This dude is a real maskaxiyan and we have the same philosophy on most issues. Why trade a short term post which U won't be there even the presidency or pm for long term losses on your region interest and their future mustaqbal.

I never understood that and the same applies to Ina diyaano, Ina farole, xaange lol 😂.

War caqli xumadan ma waxay ka barteen abashooda lol @Bari

I can't wait for a next generation of Puntland leaders who are told you can seek your personal goals and interest but not at the expense of the well being of your region interest, I hope PL first sets up academies to educate the future crop of leaders to emerge PL Iyo danteeda guud wa lama taabtam, work your personal interest if you want but not violating the regions interest.

I hope I can be among the final inspector committee of Puntland first movement so I can stamp they will be not traitors and know the reality of what happens to traitors in PL history.


This dude is a real maskaxiyan and we have the same philosophy on most issues. Why trade a short term post which U won't be there even the presidency or pm for long term losses on your region interest and their future mustaqbal.

I never understood that and the same applies to Ina diyaano, Ina farole, xaange lol 😂.

War caqli xumadan ma waxay ka barteen abashooda lol @Bari

I can't wait for a next generation of Puntland leaders who are told you can seek your personal goals and interest but not at the expense of the well being of your region interest, I hope PL first sets up academies to educate the future crop of leaders to emerge PL Iyo danteeda guud wa lama taabtam, work your personal interest if you want but not violating the regions interest.

I hope I can be among the final inspector committee of Puntland first movement so I can stamp they will be not traitors and know the reality of what happens to traitors in PL history.
They arent smart, diyaano lost by 1 cod in the 2019 election, hes a young man and could have potentially paved a long successful career in Puntland politics. His xisbi mideeye was/sort of still is the 2nd strongest political party in PL and when we move towards one man one vote which is a sure thing(hopefully) in the next election, every man will be focusing on his party. Now thats he's a straight up horgal, puntland shacab have lost confidence in him. Im not a fanboy of my uncle jebiye but i recognise that hes smart enough to have ambition in federalka(running for prime minister) whilst not sabotaging his region, the puntland public still have confiedence in him and have seen the grants hes paid out of his own pocket. He has his own political party Sincad, third strongest at the moment and possibly in the running for second given diyaanos blunder. High IQ players/politicians are okay with playing the long game and they usually bear the fruit of their patience.