rare banana
There are so many hypocritical Somali females wherever I go, it's slowly killing me! I'm a proud Somali and want to be surrounded by dadkeyga, is that so wrong???
I might look like that miskiin girl your parents compare you to all the time "...with good grades, a great job, dresses well, doesn't back-chat, treats everyone respectfully!" etc, but I have my vices too, and I keep all that strictly on a need-to-know basis. However, I've never gone out of my way to deceive people, it's just that a lot of Somalis I've come across are so obsessed with how something/someone looks that I don't even register on their radar.
I feel bad for those who have to lie in order to protect themselves, but I refuse to associate with the ones who bait others when they're doing the exact same (if not more)! Like I might know some things about you too but I'm not going to broadcast it because I really don't care - it's YOUR life!
I just want to make more Somali friends who aren't qabiilist, keep their religion to themselves, and aren't ashamed to be who they are (albeit in a respectful manner). If those things apply to you, then it's safe to say I think we can be friends.
I might look like that miskiin girl your parents compare you to all the time "...with good grades, a great job, dresses well, doesn't back-chat, treats everyone respectfully!" etc, but I have my vices too, and I keep all that strictly on a need-to-know basis. However, I've never gone out of my way to deceive people, it's just that a lot of Somalis I've come across are so obsessed with how something/someone looks that I don't even register on their radar.
I feel bad for those who have to lie in order to protect themselves, but I refuse to associate with the ones who bait others when they're doing the exact same (if not more)! Like I might know some things about you too but I'm not going to broadcast it because I really don't care - it's YOUR life!
I just want to make more Somali friends who aren't qabiilist, keep their religion to themselves, and aren't ashamed to be who they are (albeit in a respectful manner). If those things apply to you, then it's safe to say I think we can be friends.