I never understood why eating your boogers is frowned upon

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I proudly pick my nose and eat whatever I dig out.

I'm excited when I pick out something huge and slimy and eat it. Im extra excited when its a huge chunk. I am very disappointed when I don't pick out anything.

This practice must not be considered taboo anymore

Why are humans such fakes? We all enjoy this. Its good for your immune system
There's no trolling.

Everyone does this privately but denies it publicly. Its annoying how people frown upon something they regularly do daily. We all enjoy it. We all like it. Lets stop being fake

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL

gilic mech

Satan worshipper
My hypothesis is that perhaps boogers or mucus give the body an amunity boost to the person or perhaps to signal diseases..


Yo about being honest. I was listening to NPR and they were talking about how people who are honest are getting more jobs now. The employers would ask what was your worst grade in school or embarassing moments they endured and such things and who ever answered honeslty had the best chance of landing the job. :lol:

I suggest you share your duuf digging next time you apply for a job.siilaanyolaugh
Yo about being honest. I was listening to NPR and they were talking about how people who are honest are getting more jobs now. The employers would ask what was your worst grade in school or embarassing moments they endured and such things and who ever answered honeslty had the best chance of landing the job. :lol:

I suggest you share your duuf digging next time you apply for a job.siilaanyolaugh

Tastes like meat :ahhhh:
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