I really think 70% of Somali Youth today can’t speak Somali


I got 99 problems and Jeets are all of them
Staff Member
Qabyaaladaa wuu so baxay, you are reer jabuuti. They are also hooyo mataalos, just like the rest of the diaspora.

I wish I was. I would have gotten away with a lot if I was. Unfortunately, I am Sheikhaal so there's no room for error/deviation in lifestyle.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Simply put somali parents didn’t realise what it would take to teach somali to their children. I am fortunate that my parents only spoke somali and I
replied back in somali.

Im certain that atleast 80% of hooyo mataalos could learn to speak somali if they were forced to do just that. Speak.