I think my parents have become even more hard-line Salafi

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So I am visiting my parents who I haven't seen in a year and have noticed they are even more extreme in the faith when I thought that was not possible. They were Salafi but they are now becoming like that Abu Musab dude from YouTube.

They were watching Universal TV and there were mowliid celebrations on. They were quiet at first until I asked if they did mowliid in Somalia. They said yes but this was during the misguided times. "This is haram and kufr. Channelka badel.". When they noticed it was a long segment and not 10 secs, they said "put on SNTV or the weather network. Waa kafiriin".

Yes. But it was the most loving home ever brought up in. I was very happy. I was quite lucky.

One of my cousins is in a Muslim sisters group on WhatsApp and some girl added a guy in there. She turned off the phone all day. She was too panicky to just leave the group.


Your superior
So I am visiting my parents who I haven't seen in a year and have noticed they are even more extreme in the faith when I thought that was not possible. They were Salafi but they are now becoming like that Abu Musab dude from YouTube.

They were watching Universal TV and there were mowliid celebrations on. They were quiet at first until I asked if they did mowliid in Somalia. They said yes but this was during the misguided times. "This is haram and kufr. Channelka badel.". When they noticed it was a long segment and not 10 secs, they said "put on SNTV or the weather network. Waa kafiriin".


dont they SomalilandTV
Salafism is a mental virus....
Sometimes I have nightmares about this virus taking over all the world, infecting all the people's minds except my own and a small group of progressive Muslims.
I seek refuge in Allah from it....
They got some Islamic satellite box and it came with two Somali channels. They don't really care about Somali politics.
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