So I am visiting my parents who I haven't seen in a year and have noticed they are even more extreme in the faith when I thought that was not possible. They were Salafi but they are now becoming like that Abu Musab dude from YouTube.
They were watching Universal TV and there were mowliid celebrations on. They were quiet at first until I asked if they did mowliid in Somalia. They said yes but this was during the misguided times. "This is haram and kufr. Channelka badel.". When they noticed it was a long segment and not 10 secs, they said "put on SNTV or the weather network. Waa kafiriin".

They were watching Universal TV and there were mowliid celebrations on. They were quiet at first until I asked if they did mowliid in Somalia. They said yes but this was during the misguided times. "This is haram and kufr. Channelka badel.". When they noticed it was a long segment and not 10 secs, they said "put on SNTV or the weather network. Waa kafiriin".