I understand Somaliland. Fair enough

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Who wants to unite with such people?:faysalwtf:
As Unionist i understand why they dont want to unite with us. When we behave like barbarians.

Who wants to unite with such people?:faysalwtf:
As Unionist i understand why they dont want to unite with us. When we behave like barbarians.
The killing of president sharmake killing of the Egyptian ambassador in the 1950s the killing of rahaween politicians in the late 50s, and eventual military dictatorship has destroyed the union until the south accept democracy dream of united somalia will remain a dream . Democracy I mean proper power sharing between north and south not what we have now which is a darood president and hawiye prime minister a hawiye president and a darood prime minister.


Make Hobyo Great Again

The killing of president sharmake killing of the Egyptian ambassador in the 1950s the killing of rahaween politicians in the late 50s, and eventual military dictatorship has destroyed the union until the south accept democracy dream of united somalia will remain a dream . Democracy I mean proper power sharing between north and south not what we have now which is a darood president and hawiye prime minister a hawiye president and a darood prime minister.
Do you know what those clans have in common? They participate in federal politics. You expect to see an Isaaq president while you're trying to secede?


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
also huge fight between HG iyo Sheekhaal today in Kaaxda kkk

July 13, 2018
Muqdisho (Caasimda Online) – Dagaal u dhexeeyay ciidamo kawada tirsan dowlada ayaa waxa uu duhurnimadii maanta ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho.

Dagaalkan oo muddo kooban socday ayaa waxa uu si gaara ugu dhexeeyay ciidamo isugu jira Militeriga iyo Booliska, kaa oo ka dhacay waaxda liiqliiqato ee degmada Kaxda.

Qeyb kamid ah ciidamada dagaalamay ayaa waxaa la sheegay in hab qabiil uu u adeegsanaayay ganacsade uu muran kala dhexeeyay ciidamada kale, halka dhinaca kalena ay ka soo horjeeden ciidamada la watay.

Dagaalka ayaa lasoo sheegayaa inay ku dhaawacmeen ku dhawaad 5 qof oo ka mid ah dhinacyadii ay dirirtu dhexmartay iyo dad kale oo shacab ah.

Sidoo kale, waxaa dagaalka ku dhintay dad kor u dhaafaya afar ruux oo ay ku jiraan ciidamada ay dirirtu u dhexeysa, waxaana iminka socda waan-waan lagu joojinaayo dagaalka u dhexeeya labada ciidan.

Dhinaca kale, waxaa magaalada Muqdisho kusii kordhaaya dagaalada ka dhasha dhulalka oo ay ka qeybqaatan ciidamada Qaranka oo amniga ka hormariyay tooda gaarka ah.

Caasimada Online
Xafiiska Muqdisho


The killing of president sharmake killing of the Egyptian ambassador in the 1950s the killing of rahaween politicians in the late 50s, and eventual military dictatorship has destroyed the union until the south accept democracy dream of united somalia will remain a dream . Democracy I mean proper power sharing between north and south not what we have now which is a darood president and hawiye prime minister a hawiye president and a darood prime minister.

We weren't even independent in the 50s what are you on
also huge fight between HG iyo Sheekhaal today in Kaaxda kkk

July 13, 2018
Muqdisho (Caasimda Online) – Dagaal u dhexeeyay ciidamo kawada tirsan dowlada ayaa waxa uu duhurnimadii maanta ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho.

Dagaalkan oo muddo kooban socday ayaa waxa uu si gaara ugu dhexeeyay ciidamo isugu jira Militeriga iyo Booliska, kaa oo ka dhacay waaxda liiqliiqato ee degmada Kaxda.

Qeyb kamid ah ciidamada dagaalamay ayaa waxaa la sheegay in hab qabiil uu u adeegsanaayay ganacsade uu muran kala dhexeeyay ciidamada kale, halka dhinaca kalena ay ka soo horjeeden ciidamada la watay.

Dagaalka ayaa lasoo sheegayaa inay ku dhaawacmeen ku dhawaad 5 qof oo ka mid ah dhinacyadii ay dirirtu dhexmartay iyo dad kale oo shacab ah.

Sidoo kale, waxaa dagaalka ku dhintay dad kor u dhaafaya afar ruux oo ay ku jiraan ciidamada ay dirirtu u dhexeysa, waxaana iminka socda waan-waan lagu joojinaayo dagaalka u dhexeeya labada ciidan.

Dhinaca kale, waxaa magaalada Muqdisho kusii kordhaaya dagaalada ka dhasha dhulalka oo ay ka qeybqaatan ciidamada Qaranka oo amniga ka hormariyay tooda gaarka ah.

Caasimada Online
Xafiiska Muqdisho

This is why Somalia isnt moving forward


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Guys we all disagree with the secession of slanders. But atleast lets admit that they are a bit more civilized compared to other regions.
How does a sheikh assasinated by enemy terrorist combatants make Us Somali a bad people :draketf:

May Allah grant the old man Jannah.
May Eebe curse the criminals Alsheytan.

As for the folk questioning Somali unity with every terrorist incidents, seriously go f*ck yourself
But Somalia is still thriving yeah(!) Somalia just needs to focus on themselves just like how us here in somaliland are doing. I still don’t get why Somalia is concerned about somaliland when shut like that is happening in the own country. Pattern up you lot!!!! :camby:


Somali chauvinist
But Somalia is still thriving yeah(!) Somalia just needs to focus on themselves just like how us here in somaliland are doing. I still don’t get why Somalia is concerned about somaliland when shut like that is happening in the own country. Pattern up you lot!!!! :camby:

But Somaliland is in Somalia. How do not get that ghost?
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