I was actually right, Manne I know my people very well

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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
When the parents came on tv I immediately declared that more than likely it was the parent's fault.

I also said that I found an info that the somali community offered to take in the children but the parents refused.

I also declared that one or two of the family is mental.

Btw that older Ayan Yusuf lady is talking from her ass :drakewtf:Hodan is right that if I know my kids will be about to be taken away I would prefer to have my kids be placed in somali family



On Hiatus
The older Ayan Yusuf is so condescending. Is she getting paid by the Children's Aid Society? But yeah, they should get Somali foster parents.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
The older Ayan Yusuf is so condescending. Is she getting paid by the Children's Aid Society? But yeah, they should get Somali foster parents.

She spoke from her dabo, annoying Af

@sophisticate do you know this Ottawaian girl...she once openly declared that she's mental..something you have yet not declared:browtf:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
She spoke from her dabo, annoying Af

@sophisticate do you know this Ottawaian girl...she once openly declared that she's mental..something you have yet not declared:browtf:

Yes; I know her. She was raising funds for Mental Health in Hargeisa. Waryaa, what are you doing for your people? Let me guess the usual islaamo habar is a great contribution of yours.:mybusiness:


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Yes; I know her. She was raising funds for Mental Health in Hargeisa. Waryaa, what are you doing for your people? Let me guess the usual islaamo habar is a great contribution of yours.:mybusiness:

Last time I was there I've done things for the orphanage and the mental ward..I can send you my YouTube videos if you want to verify it :comeon:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Last time I was there I've done things for the orphanage and the mental ward.I can send you my YouTube videos if you want to verify it :comeon:
:kobeok:How am I supposed to know about all the good will initiatives you're involved in? They are kinda eclipsed by your less than noble extra-curricular activities *cough, cough* i.e. spending your spare time chasing cyber skirts and dishing gossip rag info like a Chatty Cathy.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
:kobeok:How am I supposed to know about all the good will initiatives you're involved in? They are kinda eclipsed by your less than noble extra-curricular activities *cough, cough* i.e. spending your spare time chasing cyber skirts and dishing gossip rag info like a Chatty Cathy.

I am a human being ...I am as complex creature but I do good deeds too..

bilan M

The older Ayan Yusuf is so condescending. Is she getting paid by the Children's Aid Society? But yeah, they should get Somali foster parents.

I know...why does she keep saying we have to ADMITT? She is making somalis sound like criminals like we have to admitt our crimes or somehing.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
I know...why does she keep saying we have to ADMITT? She is making somalis sound like criminals like we have to admitt our crimes or somehing.

Like I said, she just waned to appear in the show

bilan M

Its been six years now and she is still fihhting for kids. I think they should give back the kids but to supervise and monitor the family. I mean what excatly did cps witness to justify taking the kids they never divulge this infomation. Was there abuse physical, sexual or emotional? What excatly happened to these kids? Why do they think that parents circumstances hasnt changed in 6yrs. What measures have they taken to find out the current lifestyle of the parents. If this hodan women is going to discuss a families private business on national tv then the least she could of done was inform veiwer of some base details of the case. All they talked about was mental illness, just becuz this lady has mental illness doesn not nean she should have her kids taken away.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Its been six years now and she is still fihhting for kids. I think they should give back the kids but to supervise and monitor the family. I mean what excatly did cps witness to justify taking the kids they never divulge this infomation. Was there abuse physical, sexual or emotional? What excatly happened to these kids? Why do they think that parents circumstances hasnt changed in 6yrs. What measures have they taken to find out the current lifestyle of the parents. If this hodan women is going to discuss a families private business on national tv then the least she could of done was inform veiwer of some base details of the case. All they talked about was mental illness, just becuz this lady has mental illness doesn not nean she should have her kids taken away.

She hinted at the main reason why the children were taken away. She's afraid of qabiil repercussion if she outright mentioned that the mother is mental but instead she used 2 chicks as a proxy.

According to my sources one of the child got burned and so since the mother was mental ( might not even have been her fault) couldn't give children services a clear answer and so kids were confiscated.

bilan M

She hinted at the main reason why the children were taken away. She's afraid of qabiil repercussion if she outright mentioned that the mother is mental but instead she used 2 chicks as a proxy.

According to my sources one of the child got burned and so since the mother was mental ( might not even have been her fault) couldn't give children services a clear answer and so kids were confiscated.

yeah but i assume hodan is educated enough to knw that parents being mental is grounds to have children removed from their homes. Anyway what kind mental illness is it. Stress isnt a mental illness, and thats only thing they mentioned. If the kid was burnt by accident due to the negligence of thevmother thats fine but they wld only take the child away fir short periiod not all children for 6yrs. sounds fishy. Had she intentionally burnt the child thats different and they wld have section under mental health act But i doubt thats what happened. This hodan is not crediable at all talking about research.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
You gotta realize that Hodan is an amateur journalist with couple of classes in journalism in a community College.

At the same time her journalistic focus is on the Somali people. When you are reporting on Somalis you can't openly say certain things without qabiil repercussion.

Now we are left filling in the blanks bc she is afraid to give us all the info. Lucky for you I already had the info for you.

Btw the lady had more than just stress problem but rather serious mental issues.
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