I wonder how many Somali wadaads/Sheikhs do this? Kenyan Wadaad got caught in the act

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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Maybe that's why we are allow to have 4 ways, to satisfy our burgeoning lust.



President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Someone who does that is clearly not a wadaad or a shaykh bro.

A pastor basically means a "wadaad " in somali ...

We should not think these type of shut not be happening with our religious leaders.

They might not having sex but they are sinning in other major ways.

Here in the states you got the Friday preacher/qudbad giver getting paid under the table by the Mosque while telling the welfare agency that supports his 10 people household that he has no other source of income. Taasi waa xaaraan to me.
A pastor basically means a "wadaad " in somali ...

We should not think these type of shut not be happening with our religious leaders.

They might not having sex but they are sinning in other major ways.

Here in the states you got the Friday preacher/qudbad giver getting paid under the table by the Mosque while telling the welfare agency that supports his 10 people household that he has no other source of income. Taasi waa xaaraan to me.
How is a person with that type of moral conduct going to preach to the masses. Unfortunetly you see this type of behaviour very often and it should be addressed in the countless mutamars and other related gatherings held every year. The clergy are not above criticism.


We have been warned about 'Scholars' who are corrupt and exploit the ignorance of the masses. They are obviously not true Ulama and you guys should refrain from calling them Ulama or regarding them as an example for the 'righteous'. Perhaps you guys are accumulating sins for defaming true scholars based on the actions of fraudulent impersonators. Read the biographies of true scholars (e.g. Imam Shafi'i).
We have been warned about 'Scholars' who are corrupt and exploit the ignorance of the masses. They are obviously not true Ulama and you guys should refrain from calling them Ulama or regarding them as an example for the 'righteous'. Perhaps you guys are accumulating sins for defaming true scholars based on the actions of fraudulent impersonators. Read the biographies of true scholars (e.g. Imam Shafi'i).
What are you talking about? No one defamed any true scholar of Al-islam. Read carefully before you make accusations brother. How do one know the difference between the true scholars and the impersonators without looking at their behaviour from Islamic point of view.


What are you talking about? No one defamed any true scholar of Al-islam. Read carefully before you make accusations brother. How do one know the difference between the true scholars and the impersonators without looking at their behaviour from Islamic point of view.
Don't refer to the corrupt ones as wadaad then. Do you know what wadaad means?


The problem is not me calling them wadaads but it is the title they hold in the bulsho sxb. As for the meaning of the word wadaad enlighten us all.
I'll try use my knowledge of Arabic to come up with a sound definition. ورد is used as a synonym for dhikr. Wadaad seems like a Somalized plural of ورد hence it's used to refer to someone who remembers Allah (SWT) a lot. Somalis use this word in different contexts but it's mostly used to refer to a righteous man. If you see an impersonator usurping the wealth of the masses unjustly and you refer to him was wadaad then you must have penuts in your brain. This will have an impact on how people view the genuine 'wadaad' or scholar as they would be less likely to take him/her as serious.
I'll try use my knowledge of Arabic to come up with a sound definition. ورد is used as a synonym for dhikr. Wadaad seems like a Somalized plural of ورد hence it's used to refer to someone who remembers Allah (SWT) a lot. Somalis use this word in different contexts but it's mostly used to refer to a righteous man. If you see an impersonator usurping the wealth of the masses unjustly and you refer to him was wadaad then you must have penuts in your brain. This will have an impact on how people view the genuine 'wadaad' or scholar as they would be less likely to take him/her as serious.
Thanks for the information on the word.
How do one know the difference between the true scholars and the impersonators without looking into their behaviours? That was my point the whole day and since they are hiding behind the name wadaad it should not exempt them from being held accountable.


Thanks for the information on the word.
How do one know the difference between the true scholars and the impersonators without looking into their bahviours? That was my point the whole day and since they are hiding behind the name wadaad it should not extempt them from being held accountable.
Look my brother, we don't look for faults in any Muslim. You need to have حسن الظن (good opinions and thoughts about Muslims).

O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful. 49:12

If it becomes clear that the person is a fasiq, the person is obviously not a wadaad. I've noticed a trend amongst our brothers and sisters to make jokes about wadaads (e.g. The 'pimp' wadaad, etc). This obviously leads to the degradation scholars in the eyes of the masses.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
How is a person with that type of moral conduct going to preach to the masses. Unfortunetly you see this type of behaviour very often and it should be addressed in the countless mutamars and other related gatherings held every year. The clergy are not above criticism.

He doesn't think he s sinning bc wa gaal qofka uu xadayo:faysalwtf:..in his mind
Look my brother, we don't look for faults in any Muslim. You need to have حسن الظن (good opinions and thoughts about Muslims).

O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful. 49:12

If it becomes clear that the person is a fasiq, the person is obviously not a wadaad. I've noticed a trend amongst our brothers and sisters to make jokes about wadaads (e.g. The 'pimp' wadaad, etc). This obviously leads to the degradation scholars in the eyes of the masses.
I see where you coming from and admire what you are doing but you are misunderstanding me again. We were talking about a public and a known fact that has a real effect on society and how it should be addressed. IF we can't discuss a matter that has ramifications on our societies then what's the point in having one. You are the one making assumptions and accusations.


I see where you coming from and admire what you are doing but you are misundersanding me again. We were talking about a public and a known fact that has a real effect on society and how it should be addressed. IF we can't discuss a matter that has ramifications on our societies then what's the point in having one. You are the one making assumptions and accusations.
I'm making assumptions and accusations? Are you ok bro? I said they shouldn't be referred to as 'wadaad', am I lying? If the person is clearly a wrong doer then they don't deserve that title. What is your point to begin with? And If you don't agree with me then what do you suggest?
I'm making assumptions and accusations? Are you ok bro? I said they shouldn't be referred to as 'wadaad', am I lying? If the person is clearly a wrong doer then they don't deserve that title. What is your point to begin with? And If you don't agree with me then what do you suggest?
You are right, they shouldn't be referred to as wadaads but they ARE being referred to as such, and that is what i see as a problem IF not adressed. Basically we are not far from each other. As for you making assumptions I thought you were in your previous texts, If that's not the case then forgive me.


You are right, they shouldn't be referred to as wadaads but they ARE being referred to as such, and that is what i see as a problem IF not adressed. Basically we are not far from each other. As for you making assumptions I thought you were in your previous texts, If that's not the case then forgive me.
That's exactly what I was saying. It gives them authority and status when they are not qualified for it. However it's cool bro no hard feelings.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
But @TheXamarCadcadGuy keep in mind that our people are not educated and that they don't question authority that if the man is on the podium it is automatic that he is given the title, we talking abt a man giving Juma sermon, are you kidding me


But @TheXamarCadcadGuy keep in mind that our people are not educated and that they don't question authority that if the man is on the podium it is automatic that he is given the title, we talking abt a man giving Juma sermon, are you kidding me
I totally agree with that. Muslims in general lack the knowledge to distinguish between the true, knowledgeable and genuine scholar and the faasiq. They hold any speaker who can say a few sentences in Arabic to be credible, I don't disagree with that.
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