If farmajo loses who cab he blame?

His strategy so far has been to scare mps into electing him. I mean isnt that a bad strategy? If he losss what or who can he blame?
Victory for Presidend Farmaajo is not in any doubt. Only the margin is. The West/NGOs/Xalane, Warlords are united in opposing him because they know 4 more year of Farmaajo will lead to strong SNA. Elimination of Warlords like Madobe and 1P1V.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Absame 100 do you think goverment is about sna?-what town has sna taken from shabaab?-that picture in your avatar was propaganda saying securing border-but kenya is in kismaayo-how can you secure the front door when the enemy is in the kitchen?-childish mind games on his suporters dont you think?.