If Somaliland accepts a large number of Gazan refugees, it risks sowing the seeds of future ethnic conflict for generations to come.

There are emerging reports suggesting that Somaliland may be considering accepting a significant number of Gazan refugees in exchange for formal recognition.

If this turns out to be true, it would have serious consequences:

A. It would make Somaliland complicit in the ongoing genocide and forced displacement of Palestinians, effectively facilitating Israeli colonization and annexation of Gaza.

B. While I sympathize with the plight of the Palestinian people, such a decision would burden future generations of Somalilanders with Arab-Somali sectarian tensions and potential conflict.

History has shown that large-scale Palestinian refugee migrations often lead to instability in host nations. There are twomajor historical precedents that illustrate this:
  1. Jordan – Jordan accepted a massive influx of Palestinian refugees. Encouraged by these refugees, Jordan was drawn into another war with Israel, which it lost, leading to even more displaced Palestinians settling in the country. Once they neared half of the population, Palestinian factions attempted to overthrow the monarchy, bombed airliners, and destabilized the country. Only with the support of Pakistan was the monarchy able to suppress the revolt in what became known as Black September. Since then, Jordan’s support for the Palestinian cause has been significantly restrained.
  2. Lebanon – After being expelled from Jordan, Palestinian factions, led by the PLO, moved en masse into Lebanon, triggering the Lebanese civil war. Their objective was to turn Lebanon into a staging ground for attacks against Israel, dragging the country into prolonged instability and conflict.

There is a reason Egypt has fortified its border and why no Arab state has been willing to accept large numbers of Palestinian refugees. Doing so gives Israel a free hand to annex Palestinian lands while exporting the conflict elsewhere.

To believe that they will peacefully integrate into Somaliland without pushing for territorial claims or, worse, attempting to turn Somaliland into a puppet state for their struggle against Israel is naïve at best and dangerously misguided at worst. Fact is, no country where there are racial differences between two groups, where in the two groups are about equal, they live peacefully.

Somalis should not be responsible for solving the crises of the Middle East when we already have enough of our own. Regardless of whether one supports Somali unity or Somaliland’s independence, our primary concern should be ensuring that Somalis—from Djibouti to the NFD—remain in control of our own destiny.

I would rather see a seceded Somaliland than an Arabized and colonized one.

If not my words, then look at the actions, where are the Egyptians, Saudis, Kuwaitis? Why aught this burden fall on us?
There is also logistics involved as well. How is the one of the poorest states in the world supposed to accommodate for hundreds of thousands to even millions of refugees?
There is also logistics involved as well. How is the one of the poorest states in the world supposed to accommodate for hundreds of thousands to even millions of refugees?

What makes this even more impossible is that do you think Israel/US would want to place the aggrieved Palestinians in such a strategic location in the Red sea?

The Houthis are enough of a headache for them, let alone Sland being taken over by Hamas and going on to establish bases in Berbera/Zeylac.
I would rather see a seceded Somaliland than an Arabized and colonized one.
Thats the issue right there, hasidnimo has people not wanting to lose land they don't even rule. Modern nation states has somalis in their feelings and unable to accept somaliland is never coming back. Even if Darood lands and even awdal were to stay. The most level headed fair people say give those lands and you can go, the worse are the ones saying lets build up our army and march on hargeisa.

The whole nation state european idea has people saying land doesn't move, people do. And if Isaaq want to leave they can go to another country etc. Yet cry night and day about the Palestinians being moved from their land. Its hypocrisy.


Thats the issue right there, hasidnimo has people not wanting to lose land they don't even rule. Modern nation states has somalis in their feelings and unable to accept somaliland is never coming back. Even if Darood lands and even awdal were to stay. The most level headed fair people say give those lands and you can go, the worse are the ones saying lets build up our army and march on hargeisa.

The whole nation state european idea has people saying land doesn't move, people do. And if Isaaq want to leave they can go to another country etc. Yet cry night and day about the Palestinians being moved from their land. Its hypocrisy.

Somaliland is already part of their state as they see it so why would they negotiate?

When Somaliland is in the UN they will offer confederation deal. That's just how it goes. Only when Somaliland has recognition deal will they even start thinking that Somaliland exists right now they imagine a return to 18 regions etc or whatever.
Thats the issue right there, hasidnimo has people not wanting to lose land they don't even rule. Modern nation states has somalis in their feelings and unable to accept somaliland is never coming back. Even if Darood lands and even awdal were to stay. The most level headed fair people say give those lands and you can go, the worse are the ones saying lets build up our army and march on hargeisa.

The whole nation state european idea has people saying land doesn't move, people do. And if Isaaq want to leave they can go to another country etc. Yet cry night and day about the Palestinians being moved from their land. Its hypocrisy.
You're kind of reversing the argument—the case for secession loses credibility when Somaliland does exactly what it accuses Somalia of doing: forcing a region and its people to remain within its borders against their will.

If Somaliland were to relinquish its claim over SSC, it would dismantle a key argument from the unionist camp. Don't forget, the last two African countries granted independence ended up as failed states, and Somaliland itself doesn’t even have full control over its eastern territories.

Unionism by force should never be an option. We already have Djibouti as an example of a separate Somali state maintaining relatively amicable ties.

I don’t really understand what you’re arguing. From the perspective of a Somali nationalist, unionism would strengthen Somalis as a whole. A fractured Horn of Africa with multiple Somali states would weaken us, but at the very least, it would still provide safe havens for Somalis and at least give the atomized sovereignty. If the choice were between the FGS officially relinquishing its claim over Somaliland or Somaliland importing millions of Gazans just to gain Israeli and American recognition, I’d always choose the former. The last thing we need is to see Somali land completely lost and Arabized.

Unlike many secessionists, I still believe that you and I share the same ethnicity and culture. So, "losing land I don’t rule" doesn’t really mean much to me. Above all, I’m just happy to see ethnic Somalis governing themselves and don't wish to see that change.
This thing won't happen ever, but no Somali could withstand the much more resilient and technologically light years away palestenians, bring 100k Palestinians to the tribal Somali community and they gonna seize the whole country within a year with those missiles, drones and tunnels extending from berbera to garowe:pachah1:


If Somaliland were to relinquish its claim over SSC, it would dismantle a key argument from the unionist camp. Don't forget, the last two African countries granted independence ended up as failed states, and Somaliland itself doesn’t even have full control over its eastern territories.

Unionism by force should never be an option. We already have Djibouti as an example of a separate Somali state maintaining relatively amicable ties.

Somaliland is the 1960 territory by definiton.

Somaliland will not achieve independence by convincing you because you believe you are stronger by keepign Somaliland and that's what is agreed upon by all governments of FGS as they have not budged on Somaliland indepdence. Unionism by force is the policy . So this is not even a discussion between Somalis. It's between Somaliland and the world. You will just get the memo.

I dont't even get your argument are you guys recognizing that Somaliland independence is imminient and now you want to negotiate borders, lol. Should have thought about that earlier as they say.
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The ironic aspect is that Somaliland could have become an independent country if it had played its cards differently in the last 30 years.

The first mistake was claiming non-Isaaq lands as part of Somaliland, making it as hypocritical as Somalia. This quick response to foreign queries about Somaliland's recognition hindered its standing because Somalia could simple point at unionist areas.

Secondly, Somaliland could have learned from Croatia and Slovenia during the Yugoslav wars. Simply cutting off and building walls isn't sufficient for international recognition. Yugoslavia fell apart as ethnic groups lost trust, leading to multiple declarations of new countries.

Rather than separating from Somalia, Somaliland could have engage, possibly conceding with Puntland and granting them control of SSC trying to get them to declare independence aswell. Creating a pipeline with the RRA, a more open-minded group in southern Somalia because they were fighting both SPM and USC militias, might have sparked further declarations. After that the other clans could smell what was cooking and run to declare new countries.
Somaliland could even renege on the deal with Puntland after Somalia was truely death.

However, Somaliland chose a different path, Its leaders viewing it as a cash cow while they and their children could live it up with the peasants taxes. Somaliland is a cow for the former SNM elite. Somaliland came a distance second to their third house and 7th wife.

The rest of Somalia views secession as anti-Somali behavior, attributing it to an Ethiopian tactic. This is the natural result of landers screeching and insulting other Somalis for almost three decades.

The perception is fueled by figures like Edna Aden and Faisal Waarabe insulting Somali culture. Despite thirty years of peace, living standards remain similar, with periodic famines still terrorizing the peasantry.

For the international community Somalia is great enough nowadays, the biggest cities are under government control, the government is nice and easy to deal.

Meanwhile Somaliland is running around, tying itselfs to the Abiye regime which they themselves very much dislike. Fact is the best thing HSM has done is tie us so close USA.

A year and one day ago, you were celebrating the death of Somaliland, now you bargaining.
Aged like milk.


Long time ago I realized anyone arguing on behalf of a failed state was a comical ali figure. Fake it until you make it.
A year and one day ago, you were celebrating the death of Somaliland, now you bargaining.
Aged like milk.

Secessionism for me, but not for thee.

I’m not bargaining, just giving my two cents. Telling your brother not to make a mistake that his children will pay for, no matter how strained the relationship is, isn’t bargaining; it’s advice.

Is this move not yet another sign that secessionism has partly failed, particularly because the government of Somaliland is now willing to import millions of refugees just so Israel can colonize Palestine? Is that not clear evidence that secessionism is hitting a wall?

There is this paranoia that anything coming from the mouth of a unionist must be false, and if he shows any concern for a people he considers his own, it must be because secessionism is near!

My comments from a year ago are only strengthened by what is allegedly happening. The SL elite can entertain the possibility of importing millions of relatively radicalized people, who have a history of causing trouble for host nations, precisely because they do not have to live with the consequences.
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A year and one day ago, you were celebrating the death of Somaliland, now you bargaining.
Aged like milk.


Long time ago I realized anyone arguing on behalf of a failed state was a comical ali figure. Fake it until you make it.
Ironically the world doesn't only think that we are part of the failed nation, but also consider our habit of each clan having it's own flag, clan anthem, fake money and beg foreigners separately is the reason why Somalia is a failed nation


Secessionism for me, but not for thee.

I’m not bargaining, just giving my two cents. Telling your brother not to make a mistake that his children will pay for, no matter how strained the relationship is, isn’t bargaining; it’s advice.

Landers are capable of managing their own affairs obviously. Go advise the German government or the Djibouti government. It's the superiority complex of thinking you own a place.
Somaliland is the 1960 territory by definiton.

Somaliland will not achieve independence by convincing you because you believe you are stronger by keepign Somaliland and that's what is agreed upon by all governments of FGS as they have not budged on Somaliland indepdence. Unionism by force is the policy . So this is not even a discussion between Somalis. It's between Somaliland and the world. You will just get the memo.

I dont't even get your argument are you guys recognizing that Somaliland independence is imminient and now you want to negotiate borders, lol. Should have thought about that earlier as they say.
Don't be stupid sxb.. We don't negotiate borders on harti lands, we let the ak47 do the conversation.

