I'll Stop Fighting The Misogynist Allegations. 😔

Many times on this forum I have been accused of being a misogynist. And for each time it occurred, I would deny the assertion. However, now I can't resist it anymore because I realize you can't change what others believe about you. It was embarrassing trying to appeal to people who don't like me already for what I think. I felt like a white liberal being accused of being racist by a black person. Just like the white liberal I would stop my train of thought and address the claim trying to change the mind of the accusor. I say no more to that. From now on I will not even dignify those claims with a response.

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I am not this and you can't make me this no matter how many times you claim it to be so.

Just like males, I treat females with autonomy and judge them on what they do with it. Notice when you come at guys like the fitsfearless incels no one on this forum rallies to defend those retards. Can't say the same for the ladies here.
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Stop enngaging with morraly sanctimonius Radical Feminists, who whip up gender war threads to spiral themselves and you into a frenzy. Quite frankly, they are terminaly online losers. The higlight of their day is having a 20 page thread, and they only get it because you give it to them.

This symbiotic relationship is scaring your soul and it is also shitting up the place. Its always the same 3-5 Faarax's engaging wtih them, despite feeling slandered, they show up on the next fresh thread anyways.

It got so bad these past few days, I had to put them on the ignore list, despite not wanting to. The place is much cleaner and focused now.

