Illegal immigration is getting CRAZY in UK

Should UK make illegal boat arrivals as national emergency?

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Does anyone else find it weird how more people are not troubled by daily boats arriving in UK illegally by foreigners nearly all men?

I know it's been convered in the media but if Somalia had boat arrivals every day with hundreds of people who don't want to apply for a visa instead breaking into our nation, I'd be furious. I would expect the Somali government making this their number one priority to fix.

As of 19 August, 19,294 people had crossed the Channel in 2024. That's more than in the same period the previous year. Since 2018, more than 130,000 people have come to the UK by this route.

They are now all being housed by UK tax payer who are paying millions daily. I'm surprised it's not being treated as a national emergency.

If you want to claim asylum go via normal routes. If you want to work in UK apply via work visa scheme. Being worried about this does not make anyone "far-right".

What are your thoughts? Please vote.


So 130k immigrants arrived on boats in 6 years combined.

You do know that 1.2 million immigrated to the UK last year?

Illegal immigrants make up an insignificant amount of people coming to the UK, media focuses on them because the gov wants to distract people that immigrants coming to UK are legal and given a visa, largest group being Indians.


So 130k immigrants arrived on boats in 6 years combined.

You do know that 1.2 million immigrated to the UK last year?

Illegal immigrants make up an insignificant amount of people coming to the UK, media focuses on them because the gov wants to distract people that immigrants coming to UK are legal and given a visa, largest ethnicity from India.
There's almost 9 mil ppl in London alone.

