I'm balding. What do I do?

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Just shave your head and tell anyone who might ask that it's a style choice. Get in front of it. Embrace the inevitability. Embrace your Somalinimo. We need a Somali flag .gif.
I'm losing hair on the sides and a bit on the front.

Cure? Treatment?

I would like to reverse this

Well first of all you should know its not genetic. this a lie most of these medical personal tell you ,since they themselves suffer from deep pocket syndrome, meaning they want to continue to sell you bunch useless products to keep themselves in business.

It is probably you ain't getting the nutrients that you need. When your body is deprived of badly needed nutrients it takes it out on your hair first. Cuz only fraction of those nutrients go to your hair.

It is indeed reversable with diet, but this would need you to stick to eating only Non- processed healthy foods and no red meat for months until you will see results. Eat a lot of Whole Foods!

Beauty is from the inside and out So take care of your health saaxiib.
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It is genetic. Why do you think such a large percentage of males have it, but females don't? It's a hormonal thing, nothing to do with nutrition.

When 5-alpha reductase converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone it instigates scalp hair to shrink and it mainly happens to men because you need a lot of testosterone.

It is genetic. Why do you think such a large percentage of males have it, but females don't? It's a hormonal thing, nothing to do with nutrition.

When 5-alpha reductase converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone it instigates scalp hair to shrink and it mainly happens to men because you need a lot of testosterone.

I heard if you spank the monkey a lot, it happens too quickly and in a faster rate.


I reckon it's the stress from being a mod, maybe you should step down and watch your hair grow back like some Disney princess! :diddyswag:

It is genetic. Why do you think such a large percentage of males have it, but females don't? It's a hormonal thing, nothing to do with nutrition.

When 5-alpha reductase converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone it instigates scalp hair to shrink and it mainly happens to men because you need a lot of testosterone.

Very true it is a hormonal thing, in that sense yes it is to some degree genetic, but no permanent or irreversable, women also lose hair, even though at a lesser procentage. But that has to do with the level of testosterone between the two genders.

Despite that
Female hair loss accounts for 40 percent of hair loss sufferers. Women suffer in silence.

Regulations of hormones is necessary to hault, stall or reverse Hair loss. You can prevent and reverse hair loss by using a suger balancing low glycemic diet. The Root causes are high glycemic diet which create male paterned baldness in both women and men.

Pretty much stress hormones and high insulin combined tip hormone production toward excess androgens and these very androgens turn on receptor sites in your hair follicle susceptible to DHT (dihydotestosterone) , causing the hair to thin and fall out. You counter these two hormones by introducing a Whole Foods and removing heavily processed foods from your diet. hence stabilize and normalize the blood sugar and insulin.

Diet controlls your hormones. Why else do you think doctors tell men to stay away from a North American diet to avoid suseptability to hair loss?


There are 3 effective and proven methods in halting baldness and potentially reversing it.
> Finasteride pills = One of the most effective one out there right now. If you take these pills at an early stage of hair loss you can keep the hair you've for a long time. However, it comes with caveats unfortunately. Low libido and permanent impotence to name a few.

> Minoxidil either in liquid or foam work.This is a substance to stimulate hair growth by applying it to your follicles.

> Nizoral shampoo= An anti fungal shampoo that has androgen blocking properties. You should buy this shampoo asap because this one is effective and doesn't require you to use it indefinitely opposed to the others which you simply cannot stop using otherwise you will lose everything you've gained.

For the most effective result it is better to use all of these combined, providing you've an aggressive male pattern baldness. if you've minor receding hairline like most faraxs in their early twenties then finasteride should be enough to deal with it for life.
@AbdiJohnson Ignore these poor advices and save your money. Just start eating only whole foods and white meat and your hair will start growing back in a couple of months. Trust me!

Hair loss ,acne, disease and all sorts of crap is most often related to health & diet. Pills and rubbish cannot correct them only mother nature can.
There is no reason why a person has hair on his head only to predeterminedly lose it in the end. You might wonder why do we have hair to begin with if we are meant to lose it.

Allhamdhulillah my hair line is perfectly intact , inshallah ill take to correct steps so i wont end up like all the faraxs out there looking like Lebron James.


Lebron James improved his hairline with a Fue treatment




Stop with the broscience.


Female hair loss is unrelated to the more common male pattern baldness. In females it is mostly autoimmune problems and much rarer, while in males it very common and strictly genetic.

Male pattern baldness existed even in prehistoric cultures before the so called 'bad' modern Western diet. Many male Olympic athletes who follow the best diets still get it because of their genetics. There’s no escaping if you carry the alleles that make scalp hair sensitive to DHT. Only certain medications will help, nothing else.

Stop with the broscience.


Why cant people stop taking disagreements personally?:comeon:

Female hair loss is unrelated to the more common male pattern baldness. In females it is mostly autoimmune problems and much rarer, while in males it very common and strictly genetic.

For women when you experience stress in your daily life, you make cortisol. These two master hormones converge to make a new chemical, especially in women, that act like androgens, which are male hormones.

As a result, these androgens turn on receptor sites in your hair follicle susceptible to DHT, causing the hair to thin and fall out. So it is very much related according to Dr. Northrup

40% of all hair loses affect women, they just suffer in silence.

Male pattern baldness existed even in prehistoric cultures before the so called 'bad' modern Western diet. Many male Olympic athletes who follow the best diets still get it because of their genetics. There’s no escaping if you carry the alleles that make scalp hair sensitive to DHT. Only certain medications will help, nothing else

Olympic athletes eat a high glycemic diet with alot of red meat. They do soo to boost energy and make creating muscle easier. High glycemic diet increases the insulin , the blood suger which cause inflammation. Inflammation is what makes the scalp sensetive to Androgenes that convert DHT.

Western high glycemic diet contributes to hair loss, tho any lack of badly needed nutrients contribute to it as well.

The reason why male patterned baldness is less frequent in Asia with exception of those who follow a American diet

Basically If you don't regulate your hormones properly your hair wil fall out or thin.
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