It's low energy and low vibration.
Somali politics is absolute cancer and complete cudur.
I'm just going to watch the Ciyaal Kacaan from afar and accept the fact's and data that indicate the average xilibaan makes a 3k salary and these neefs aren't going anywhere in life.
Energy will be in things Ciyaal Kacaan are weakest in--focus on creative and private equity. Keep an eye out for technologies and material applications that help Somalia leap frog industries.
I'm tired of these Gmail account having 60 year old Neefs.
...And 4.5 sucks man. Totally blows.
Somali politics is absolute cancer and complete cudur.
I'm just going to watch the Ciyaal Kacaan from afar and accept the fact's and data that indicate the average xilibaan makes a 3k salary and these neefs aren't going anywhere in life.
Energy will be in things Ciyaal Kacaan are weakest in--focus on creative and private equity. Keep an eye out for technologies and material applications that help Somalia leap frog industries.
I'm tired of these Gmail account having 60 year old Neefs.
...And 4.5 sucks man. Totally blows.