I'm moving to Mogadishu!

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Whats up guys!!!
So, I'm a white male who is 22 and right out of college in America. I want to move to Mogadishu for the beaches and to be in the medical field. I heard things are getting better in the great country, is that right and here are a few questions.
- Where do I buy an apartment at?
- Where are the churches? (I'm a Christian)
1. Check out Safari Apartments
2. There's no churches

Mogadishu is hell on Earth. Go to other Somali cities if you want the beach and to help out in medicine
1. Check out Safari Apartments
2. There's no churches

Mogadishu is hell on Earth. Go to other Somali cities if you want the beach and to help out in medicine
I'm really fascinated with Somalia culture and really want to make a change there, would Somaliland be better than Mogadishu?
Its much much safer in SL but I think there's more opportunities in Mogadishu. But medicine is needed all over the regions so I would recommend Hargeisa.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Blackhawk down.


What kind of job are you going to do in The hospital? You do realize that you need to be qualified to work in a hospital, yes even a 3rd world one.


Go to Mogadishu wear skimpy clothing with a cross around your neck and you will surely have *a blast*.
Lmao wow!

Somalia is getting better but I wouldn't recommend moving there alone. If you're going with an organization then that changes matters.
No one will kidnap you but you might get struck by a suicide bomb or stray bullets because the foreigners stay in the nice areas
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