I think we need to develop routines and habits that factor in the new situation.
I'm open to advice cuz truly i might lose my marbles soon.
this is the perfect time to study if you find yourself in lockdown
write a book
One year is too long, good government won't be able to afford to pay our bills. Either u go back to work and die.
I barely left my house for 5 months after I graduated from university, I was jobless and on JSA. I still managed to cope through it, people who are losing their minds through this need to develop a hobby. Learn how to play the piano, guitar, learn how to write a book, get into poetry. There are so many things you can with your time, you just have to be creative about it.
True but all work and no play makes everyone dull. And there is no play, like playing outside with other people.
There's this one Somali painter based in Minnesota who has gorgeous paintings! Forgot his name, but anyway, I tried buying some of his art, but the ones I wanted were no longer available.I think i'm gonna pick up painting.
There's this one Somali painter based in Minnesota who has gorgeous paintings! Forgot his name, but anyway, I tried buying some of his art, but the ones I wanted were no longer available.
I don't see Somali paintings often, only in some restaurants here and there, but I think that's something we as a nation should get into. Art is a great tool for cultural preservation.
His website seems down, but here is his FB page.Does you by any chance remember if he had an ig or a website? I'd be interested in checking them out, thanks for sharing though. I definitely agree with the last bit too.
His website seems down, but here is his FB page.