This is an excerpt from one of Tariq Masood’s speeches. Its translated more or less meaning. My notes are in brackets.
Knowledge that you are getting in universities this is secular education. This is also important. Islam doesn’t negate this. But if this knowledge is making you heedless of Allah then this ‘knowledge’ will be means of you going to hell. In Islam, its valuable to obtain knowledge whether its of this world or hereafter. I hope I can explain the value of (secular) education through incident of Prophet Yusuf. When King of Egypt called Yusuf (as), upon giving the correct interpretation of the dream. Yusuf (as) realized that King is pleased with him and wants to grant him position.
(“And when King spoke to him, he said, “Indeed, you are today established [in position] and trusted.” (12:54))
Yusuf (as) could have said build a mosque. Think about it? King was Non-Muslim. He could have said I am Prophet of Allah, prayers will be held at the mosque and remembrance of Allah will be established. Make for me madrasah (seminary of Islamic education). He could have said that. Rather he asked to be made Minister of Finance. Knowledge of finance, economics, management this is secular knowledge. This is not divine knowledge. But Yusuf (as) is asking to be made Minister of Finance. Why?
“I am truly reliable and adept.” (12:55)
Minister of Finance has two requirements which are hard to find :
(1) The individual should possess this knowledge. How much should be stored and how much should be given out. So that there is no shortage of resources in the country and economy is strong. Isn’t Budget of the country announced on this basis? Any small shop owner will not be able to do this. Not anyone can just advise the government that you should store this much, import this and export this. For this economics is studied and you have to be strong economist. Allah made Yusuf (as) proficient in knowledge of economics so he could rule and become Minister of Finance.
(2) Second requirement is he be someone who protects the treasury (reliable and not corrupt). It shouldn’t be that to protect treasury you need to employ more people to prevent treasurer (from stealing). My friend has store that contains goat feed (corn, oats, barley). He employed an individual to look after it so no one steals anything. Employee used to snack now and then finishing half bag every week. In order to prevent him from snacking he had to then hire another individual to watch over him given first employee was not reliable.
Yusuf (as) knew he wouldn’t have benefited humanity and he wouldn’t have served Allah’s religion building mosque or madrasah as much as compared to becoming Minister of Finance. Because he knew there would be famine in Egypt, storage of resources will get finished so most vital profession at that time will be Minister of Finance. That in time of famine its critical that resources be managed. Yusuf (as) ended up asking for position from Non Muslim king. In consequence, Bani Israel (Muslims of that time) were able to migrate to Egypt and blessings of Yusuf (as) (being in position of authority) were experienced for long period or centuries.
What do we learn from this?
Mosque and Madrasah are at its place (they are important). I myself am product of madrasah. But with this (secular knowledge) if you intend to do something worthwhile or great change for benefit of humanity in order to gain Allah’s pleasure. Then in the fields of science and technology you don’t have to just get ahead but excel in them. And with these (noble) intentions if you are progressing this wouldn’t be called pursuing materialism but this would be following way of Prophets.
Knowledge that you are getting in universities this is secular education. This is also important. Islam doesn’t negate this. But if this knowledge is making you heedless of Allah then this ‘knowledge’ will be means of you going to hell. In Islam, its valuable to obtain knowledge whether its of this world or hereafter. I hope I can explain the value of (secular) education through incident of Prophet Yusuf. When King of Egypt called Yusuf (as), upon giving the correct interpretation of the dream. Yusuf (as) realized that King is pleased with him and wants to grant him position.
(“And when King spoke to him, he said, “Indeed, you are today established [in position] and trusted.” (12:54))
Yusuf (as) could have said build a mosque. Think about it? King was Non-Muslim. He could have said I am Prophet of Allah, prayers will be held at the mosque and remembrance of Allah will be established. Make for me madrasah (seminary of Islamic education). He could have said that. Rather he asked to be made Minister of Finance. Knowledge of finance, economics, management this is secular knowledge. This is not divine knowledge. But Yusuf (as) is asking to be made Minister of Finance. Why?
“I am truly reliable and adept.” (12:55)
Minister of Finance has two requirements which are hard to find :
(1) The individual should possess this knowledge. How much should be stored and how much should be given out. So that there is no shortage of resources in the country and economy is strong. Isn’t Budget of the country announced on this basis? Any small shop owner will not be able to do this. Not anyone can just advise the government that you should store this much, import this and export this. For this economics is studied and you have to be strong economist. Allah made Yusuf (as) proficient in knowledge of economics so he could rule and become Minister of Finance.
(2) Second requirement is he be someone who protects the treasury (reliable and not corrupt). It shouldn’t be that to protect treasury you need to employ more people to prevent treasurer (from stealing). My friend has store that contains goat feed (corn, oats, barley). He employed an individual to look after it so no one steals anything. Employee used to snack now and then finishing half bag every week. In order to prevent him from snacking he had to then hire another individual to watch over him given first employee was not reliable.
Yusuf (as) knew he wouldn’t have benefited humanity and he wouldn’t have served Allah’s religion building mosque or madrasah as much as compared to becoming Minister of Finance. Because he knew there would be famine in Egypt, storage of resources will get finished so most vital profession at that time will be Minister of Finance. That in time of famine its critical that resources be managed. Yusuf (as) ended up asking for position from Non Muslim king. In consequence, Bani Israel (Muslims of that time) were able to migrate to Egypt and blessings of Yusuf (as) (being in position of authority) were experienced for long period or centuries.
What do we learn from this?
Mosque and Madrasah are at its place (they are important). I myself am product of madrasah. But with this (secular knowledge) if you intend to do something worthwhile or great change for benefit of humanity in order to gain Allah’s pleasure. Then in the fields of science and technology you don’t have to just get ahead but excel in them. And with these (noble) intentions if you are progressing this wouldn’t be called pursuing materialism but this would be following way of Prophets.