In the 60s Borana’s wanted to secede from kenya and be part of Somalia


Visionary from Garbaharey
The Cawlyahan in Kenya know how to deal with them. They only understand one thing, qori.
God bless my reer abti, they smoke Borans who try to rob livestock from them in Madogashe. We chase them all the way to Isiolo, rag iga dheh


God bless my reer abti, they smoke Borans who try to rob livestock from them in Madogashe. We chase them all the way to Isiolo, rag iga dheh
Your reer abti are no joke. They took Modogashe from the Borans and they're still keeping them at bay. They even turned modogashe into a warzone in the 90s to karbash the boran.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Oromo will always be our enemy they have already took Babile and Tuulo Guuleed and tried Mooyaale until Somalis karbaashed them


Visionary from Garbaharey
Your reer abti are no joke. They took Modogashe from the Borans and they're still keeping them at bay. They even turned modogashe into a warzone in the 90s to karbash the boran.
The conflict is still active. As recent as 2019, the Borans with the help of Kenya WildLife Service officers attacked Madogashe and took many camels from Cawliyahan. Cawliyahan responded by crossing over to Isiolo and raiding Borans villages. The Borans never dared to attack when Lagdera MP a guy named Shidiye was in charge. Unfortunately he lost in 2017 elections and the Borans celebrated the fall of "Lion" as they put it


You mean xabashi right every coversion in the horn and horner ethnic groups was either by somalis (islam) or xabashi (chridtianity)
No. Boran and Rendilles that in northern Kenya that are christian were converted by white missionaries during the colonial era.


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