We're indeed living in strange times, where things don't appear to be as they're. This is George orwell's nightmare, we are indoctrinated constantly and are duped into excepting there programming hence we're stripped of the ability to do critical thinking. We are living in a time where good is evil & evil is portrayed as being good or hip. We underplay the role that the oblong box plays in our way of thinking, we're programmed subconsciously to take their narrative without realising. How much of an impact has tv had on human beings in general? Do you believe that it has had a good impact or a negative one? Do you think that the people who had created it had an agenda in mind? I've heard it though the grapevine that the creator of the tv had deep links to the occult, in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king. May Allah help us see things as they are & not as they appear to be.