Inantu qurux badana

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Go back to your obese xalimos. :camby:

The background and the bench makes it all tumblr ish, whoever took the photo knows how to take a really good photo.


Go back to your obese xalimos. :camby:

The background and the bench makes it all tumblr ish, whoever took the photo knows how to take a really good photo.
Waxa raba afar xaas ina ku qabto. Labo shuluq ah and two caato's:ahhhh:
:wow1: Man's gonna have it good walle.:wow:
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So you want 2 Caato and another 2 caato? Why didn't you just write four caato wives? :childplease::chrisfreshhah::dead:
Lmao :cryinglaughsmiley:
I meant to say two thick sistah's and two skinnies. You can join #TeamJalam:yousmart:
I'll visit you twice a week.:westbrookswag:



You're on the sirad al mustaqim now and I was over here concerned for your well being markey mid buuran kugu fadhiisto :ummhmm:


Your superior
Authentic somali girls :nvjpqts:

Imagine these qalanjooyin in our traditional attire instead of those middle eastern garments :rejoice::rejoice:
Illahow noo daa gabdhaha Somalida. :wow:

We appreciate the Xalimos but do they do they do the same?:obamatell:

Never seen a Farax appreciation thread :obamatell:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Nagadaa these freshies, somebody bring out the qurbo hotties, sweet rush amal nuux and all the sexy gally
Nagadaa these freshies, somebody bring out the qurbo hotties, sweet rush amal nuux and all the sexy gally

I thought you were leaving :childplease: sheekadi cad cadka Aka shushumow baker baad noo keeynta :childplease: naah i'm fucking with you and yeh i agree man gawking over some freshy looking xalimos
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