Indian caste banned from being SEEN by higher castes! (Unseeable Caste)

(Time stamped) Documentary below

:faysalwtf: :faysalwtf:

This is UNBELIEVABLE levels of hatred and discrimination, omfg!!!!! MY GODDDDD!!!! How are they getting away with this?!?! At that point I’d rather just be a slave Wtf! Even slaves have more dignity!!!

Context and explanation for those (lucky) people who don’t know about this.. Indians got something known as “caste”, sort of like qabil, except it operates on an explicitly defined hierarchy. And these castes are traditionally aligned with occupations. The top (Brahmins) are traditionally considered the intelligent “priestly” caste, and they’re the powerful spiritual/intellectual leaders of society.

On the flip side, the bottom of the ladder is generally thought of as the “Dalits” aka the “untouchables” (because they are considered so dirty their touch is considered polluting). In contrast to the Brahmins, their role is designated to cleaning xaar off of the streets. Yup, you heard that right.

But nobody ever talks about the caste BELOW the dalits, they’re almost unheard of (no pun intended😉), the “UNSEEABLES”

It’s bad enough to be considered so dirty that you cannot be touched. Now imagine being considered so dirty you cannot be SEEN! You are forced to walk outside only at nighttime, and even drag a leaf behind you so nobody walks in your footsteps!!!!

Also known as the Vannar or Thurumbar community, they are considered doubly dirty compared to the dalits because their role is to clean up after the Dalits, process their funerals, wash their clothes, give them haircuts etc etc. the more you know….
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not you researching them :mjlaugh:

restricted movement only to night how do they come up with these concepts wildd:faysalwtf:
literally they must have sat at a table and discussed how to actively make life as hard and degrading as possible. How the f do they come up with these ideas ? I’m speechless. The world must know about what’s going on in India. I’d rather live in North Korea

I have to do my research bc timojileec fobs are taking over the world atp, and if this is how they treat each other how tf they gonna treat me, a casteless black African ? 😫😫😫😫😫😫
It’s the way that entire ass groups of people as described as being “polluted” “doubly polluted” etc that gets me holy s***… what could be more dehumanizing than being considered “polluted” or even worse a POLLUTANT? I’m done. I’d rather be called a monkey!
This is UNBELIEVABLE levels of hatred and discrimination, omfg!!!!! MY GODDDDD!!!! How are they getting away with this?!?! At that point I’d rather just be a slave Wtf! Even slaves have more dignity!!!
They get away with it because they usually just openly practice it in their own country. However now they are trying to expand it to the west. Laws are being updated to include caste discrimination in the west.

They get away with it because they usually just openly practice it in their own country. However now they are trying to expand it to the west. Laws are being updated to include caste discrimination in the west.

I saw a video of Hindus protesting the laws saying it was Hinduphobic!! I WISH I was joking!!! Time stamped it for you:


she’s saying the “culture and tradition” of discriminating by caste should be preserved. NO SHAME, NO GUILT WHATSOEVER! If this what she say in public what she saying in private?

“It’s not a sprint it’s a marathon” kulaha!!! What’s next for her??? Bring back the Jim Crow era? Why stop there, would she support bringing back slavery under “tradition” too? Some traditions need to die ma’am just stop 🛑
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A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
(Time stamped) Documentary below

:faysalwtf: :faysalwtf:

This is UNBELIEVABLE levels of hatred and discrimination, omfg!!!!! MY GODDDDD!!!! How are they getting away with this?!?! At that point I’d rather just be a slave Wtf! Even slaves have more dignity!!!

Context and explanation for those (lucky) people who don’t know about this.. Indians got something known as “caste”, sort of like qabil, except it operates on an explicitly defined hierarchy. And these castes are traditionally aligned with occupations. The top (Brahmins) are traditionally considered the intelligent “priestly” caste, and they’re the powerful spiritual/intellectual leaders of society.

On the flip side, the bottom of the ladder is generally thought of as the “Dalits” aka the “untouchables” (because they are considered so dirty their touch is considered polluting). In contrast to the Brahmins, their role is designated to cleaning xaar off of the streets. Yup, you heard that right.

But nobody ever talks about the caste BELOW the dalits, they’re almost unheard of (no pun intended😉), the “UNSEEABLES”

It’s bad enough to be considered so dirty that you cannot be touched. Now imagine being considered so dirty you cannot be SEEN! You are forced to walk outside only at nighttime, and even drag a leaf behind you so nobody walks in your footsteps!!!!

Also known as the Vannar or Thurumbar community, they are considered doubly dirty compared to the dalits because their role is to clean up after the Dalits, process their funerals, wash their clothes, give them haircuts etc etc. the more you know….
Whats under the unseeables...


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
@caanoshaah how come the dalits and unseeables cant change their caste like just claim to be of another caste or something it doesn't seem as binding as qabiil where there is abtirsi and all the other mumbo jumbo, also another question what happens if they try it.


@caanoshaah how come the dalits and unseeables cant change their caste like just claim to be of another caste or something it doesn't seem as binding as qabiil where there is abtirsi and all the other mumbo jumbo, also another question what happens if they try it.
In their holy book it says that Dalits came form the feet
Think about it. This shit is in Somalia and SL too.
Man somalia definitely has discrimination no denying that, but NOBODY is considered so dirty that they cannot be SEENN?? There’s levels of discrimination, and these timojileecs take the cake.

Not only is this caste forced to only go out at night (so they can’t be seen) they’re forced to drag a leaf behind them so nobody walks in their footsteps!! You’re fooling yourself if you saying anyone in somalia got it this bad 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾. Btw their basically forced into a certain occupation for life (cleaning up after the 2nd most “polluted/dirty” caste..) this is basically slavery with extra steps
In their holy book it says that Dalits came form the feet
Actually it’s worse, they say shudras (the peasants or serf) come from the feet, the dalits don’t come from any part of the god that’s why they’re considered unholy, dirty and therefore delegated to these dehumanizing roles ( literal 💩 sweepers and today- sewer uncloggers, BY HAND)!

@caanoshaah how come the dalits and unseeables cant change their caste like just claim to be of another caste or something it doesn't seem as binding as qabiil where there is abtirsi and all the other mumbo jumbo, also another question what happens if they try it.
So apparently what I heard is first of all it is pretty binding because you inherit your caste through your lineage, it basically is like qabil in the sense that you inherit it through you’re father. By the way because the castes don’t intermingle at all (1000x stricter than Somalis in this sense, Indian marriages are arranged and they strictly marry within their castes) GENERALLY speaking you can infer someone’s caste through their name, and occasionally their appearance. Apparently higher castes tend to be lighter skinned and lower castes tend to be darker for example (not always the case but generally speaking)

For example if someone’s got the last name sharma, they’re a Brahmin (top of the ladder). Last thing is that (because they don’t intermingle) each caste apparently has a slight dialect and different customs/dishes etc etc, sort of how like for Somalis different qabils have different dialects it’s the same for Indians.

Indians can tell someone’s caste by 1. Connections through their lineage/family 2. Name 3. Appearance (to an extent) 4. Your dialect and family customs. Fun fact dalits aren’t allowed to enter temples :westbrookswag:
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